Norah, Hannah, Willa, and I are sitting in Norah’s living room, stuffing our faces with cookies and spiked eggnog. Except for Willa. She is partaking in virgin nog as a show of solidarity with my misery.

“So, you and Isaac … you know?” Willa asks.

Norah cuts her eyes to Willa. “What are we, kindergartners?” she asks.

Willa rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, we … you know,” I reply.

“How was it?” Hannah asks.

“Fun. Toe-curling. Amazing,” I answer.

“Just what the doctor ordered. I bet your nether regions are happy,” Norah sings.

“Giddy,” I confirm.

“It’s too bad you waited until his last night,” Hannah says.

My head swings to her. “As opposed to the first night we met? He’s only been here a week,” I say.

“Right,” she quips.

“Oh God, I’m such a slut,” I cry as I drop my head into my hands.

The three of them start to giggle.

“It’s not funny,” I murmur.

Norah shoves my shoulder. “Stop slut-shaming yourself. You’re a grown woman who had a toe-curling night with a sexy visitor. You’re allowed.”

I peek up at them. “I guess I’m not used to having one-night stands,” I admit.

“You like him,” Willa guesses.

“I do. Not that it matters.”

“You never know. Things always have a way of working themselves out,” Hannah says.

Sammy arrives with our lunch.

“They didn’t have cookies and cream, so I got chocolate and cherry vanilla,” he says as Norah pulls the tubs of ice cream from the bag.

“That will have to do,” she says.

He kisses her cheek. “Knock yourselves out.”

Willa stands and walks to the counter, looking at her phone.

“I’m going to have to pass. Keller texted. It seems Isaac and Cobie lost their passports and missed their flight. Everyone is searching the inn, looking for them.”

“What? They’re still here?” I sputter.

Her eyes come to mine, and she grins. “Yep. Looks like they’re stranded.”

The three of us pile into Sammy’s truck and head to the inn.

My stomach fills with butterflies the closer we get.