“Shit!” I scream as I slam the passenger door shut.

I glance down at my watch and see it’s a quarter till noon.

We’re cutting it too close.

I stomp back to the front door, and Annette has joined Keller at reception.

“I’m sorry, Isaac, but no one recalls seeing a blue crossbody,” she informs me.

“Have you called the airport to see if anyone turned it in there?” Keller asks.

I shake my head. “No, that’s a good idea though,” I note.

“I’ll look up the number and call for you,” she offers as she pecks at her keyboard before picking up the inn’s landline.

Keller clasps my shoulder. “We’ll find it.”

“I just hope it’s not too late,” I say.

“Maybe the airline can book you guys on a later flight,” he suggests.

“Maybe,” I agree.

Annette speaks to someone over the phone. When she clicks off, she turns to us.

“No luck. They checked the lost and found. I left your name and number with them in case it shows up,” she says.

“It’s not likely after a week,” I mutter.

Cobie hurries down the stairs, her pink suitcase thumping on every step along the way as she tugs it behind her.

“Daddy, did you find it?” she asks.

“No, baby, not yet.”

Her eyes fill with tears. “But we have to go now. It’s past eleven,” she cries.

I scoop her up into my arms and hug her close. “Don’t worry. I’ll fix this.”

She sobs into my chest as I wonder just how I’m going to do that.

“I need a copy of her birth certificate. Can you overnight it to me?” I ask Lonnie.

“What good is that going to do?” she asks.

“There’s a passport agency in Boise. If I have both our birth certificates and new photos made, they can hopefully process them the same day and get us new books,” I explain.

“Do you have yours?” she asks.

“I called my mother first. She’s looking to see if she has a copy,” I reply.

She sighs. “Where do you want it sent?”

I give her the address to the inn.

“It’s too late to get it out today,” she says.

“I know.”