I set the box aside and join them on the ground, and we flap our limbs side by side, creating imprints in the snow.

The wet snow clings to our clothes, but neither of them seems to mind.

I steal a glance at Cobie’s face. Her smile is as bright as the early morning sun, and her eyes reflect pure joy.

In this moment, I realize how fleeting her childhood is and how important it is to cherish these simple times spent together.

I’ve missed so much.

We stand, and I help them brush the crystalized flakes from their coats.

“Look, Daddy, our snow angels are holding hands!” Cobie giggles as she points to our impressions.

“They sure are,” I say and reach to my side, where my camera usually hangs.

It’s not there.

I fight the urge to run back inside for it, choosing instead to commit the image to memory and be present with my girl.

“Who wants to help me build a snowman?” I ask.

“We do!” they shout in unison.

Lexie’s mom and dad join us once they finish eating, and the five of us construct a snow family with carrot noses and jelly-bean eyes and smiles.

I snap branches from the brushes that line the front of the inn for arms, and Trixie offers the girls scarves and knit caps for their new icy friends.

We gather around our creations, and Trixie snaps a photo with her cell phone.

She and Lexie’s mom leave us to prepare refreshments for the church, and her dad and I take our daughters sledding on the hill across the road.

It’s by far the best day I’ve ever spent with my little girl.

After we warm up by the fire and eat lunch, Cobie showers and asks if she can go to the church with Bob and Trixie.

“I thought you and I were going to see the nativity together?”

“I’ve got a surprise,” she tells me.

“What kind of surprise?” I ask as I help her into her jacket.

“I can’t tell you. You’ll have to wait and see!” she exclaims.

I pull the wool hat over her ears and kiss her forehead. “Okay, kid, I’ll meet you there.”

She waves as she takes Trixie’s hand and trots off to Bob, who’s waiting in the truck.

I ride with Dawn and Daniel, and the three of us park and make our way through the crowd that is milling around.

This time, my camera bag is secured on my shoulder.

We find the set, and it’s like a scene straight out of a Bible storybook. Bran and Hannah, as Joseph and Mary, are standing together, their faces lit with adoration as they rock a swaddled baby in a humble manger.

The gentle glow of the star mounted above them illuminates the makeshift stable. Shepherds with their staffs are gathered around a menagerie of live animals.

In the background to Joseph’s left, I spot Cobie. She’s wearing a white robe, and her curls are topped with a glittering golden ring.

She catches sight of us and breaks character.