“Wonderful,” she mutters.

I take her hand, and our fingers entwine as I lead her back to her friends.

“The other kiss was hot, but that last one was an inferno,” Dawn says.

“What other kiss?” Norah asks.

Sela blushes as we take our seats.

“Honey, don’t pry,” Sammy coaxes.

She turns in her seat to face him. “Hello. Have we met?”

He grins and taps her on the nose.

“It’s getting late. You can interrogate her tomorrow,” he promises.

As if on cue, Norah lets out a long yawn.

“Okay, take me home, lover.” She gives in as she wraps her arms around his shoulders.

He chuckles as he stands, bringing her to her unsteady feet.

“Sela? You ready?” he asks as he urges his wife in the direction of the door.

“Yeah.” She turns to me and asks tentatively, “Do you want to come to my apartment for a nightcap?”

It physically pains me to decline the offer.

“I promised Cobie I’d be back to tuck her in and read to her,” I inform her.

“Oh, right. Of course,” she says rapidly as she stands.

I catch her elbow. “If it wasn’t for that,” I say.

She smiles. “Yeah.”

I let her go, and she follows after Norah and Sammy.

“Isaac, you need a ride back to the inn?” Sammy asks.

“He can ride with me and Daniel,” Dawn offers.

“Cool. See you guys tomorrow,” he says, guiding Norah and Sela, who have locked arms, to the exit.

“I think we need to head out too. Mary and Joseph need their beauty sleep,” Bran declares.

He and Hannah say their good-byes, leaving Dawn and me to wait while Daniel and his bandmates break down their equipment.

She slides her chair closer to mine. “You’re in trouble,” she sings.

Yes, I am.

Once everything is loaded into the truck, Daniel drives us to the inn, where Trixie and a sleepy Cobie are curled up on the couch, watchingRudolph.

I thank Trixie for spending the evening with her before I scoop her up into my arms and carry her upstairs.

“Did you have a good night?” I ask as I lay her in bed and pull the covers up to her chin.