Sammy’s eyes slide to mine. “What do you say? Let’s go spin those girls around the dance floor,” he prompts.

The two of us wade our way to the front, where Norah and Sela are leaning against the edge, staring up at the lead singer as he croons into the microphone.

Sammy walks up to Norah’s back and wraps his arms around her as he whispers into her ear. I approach Sela and tap her on the shoulder.

She glances back at me.

“May I have this dance?” I ask, spreading my arms wide.

She turns and walks into me. My hands fall to her hips, and we begin to sway to the music.

She is light as a feather. I pick her up off her feet and twirl her while she laughs.

When I set her back down, I take her elbow and pull her in until we are nose to nose.

Her eyes flit to my mouth, and she licks her bottom lip.

Unable to stop myself, I lean forward and touch my lips to hers.

She gasps in surprise, and I take the opportunity to deepen the kiss.

Her eyes flutter closed, and she presses her chest into mine as her arms go around my neck. I feed a hand under her hair at her ear and hold her face as our tongues tangle in a delicious dance of their own.

Every cell in my body is firing on all cylinders, and I get lost in the moment until the music ends and the band begins the intro to another song.

Sela’s hold on me releases, and her hand slides to clutch my wrist as her eyes open.

I rest my forehead against hers.

“You taste like cranberries,” she murmurs.

“I think that’s you,” I tell her.

She bears back and blinks up at me. “What was that?” she asks breathlessly.

My finger slides to her chin and lifts her face, guiding her gaze above us, where a kissing ball is hanging from the ceiling.

Her mouth falls open, and then her eyes snap back to mine and narrow. “Did you lead me under the mistletoe again on purpose?” she asks.

I smile. “Happy accident.”

“Happy?” she questions.

“It gave me a chance to kiss you properly. That one at the lake was not my best work,” I mutter.

“I thought it was nice,” she states.

“Exactly my point,” I reply.

“We did have an audience,” she says.

I lean back and look around.

Bran, Hannah, Sammy, Norah, and Dawn have all returned to our table, and their eyes are focused on us.

“I think we still do,” I tell her.

She follows my motion and turns in their direction.