“Oh, yes, I go all the time. It’s very beautiful,” he muses.

“Lake Mistletoe is beautiful,” she states.

“Yes, it is,” he agrees.

“Do you think Santa will be able to find me in Paris?” she asks him.

He smiles at her. “Santa can find you no matter where you are. He has Christmas magic to guide him, remember?”

She sighs. “I guess.”

“You sound skeptical.”

“What if I’ve been good all year, but I do something bad before Christmas? Do you think Santa will forgive me?” she whispers to him.

“Oh, Santa is a very forgiving guy. He looks at the heart of a person,” Kris explains.

“I hope so,” she mutters.

“You know, Cobie, I think you will have a wonderful Christmas this year. It doesn’t matter where you spend it as long as you and your father are together. So, you should just enjoy your time in Lake Mistletoe and not worry about tomorrow. Everything will work out just like it’s supposed to.”

Isaac and Dawn find their way to us, and Cobie introduces them to Kris.

“I think it’s time to head back to the inn. Sorry we didn’t catch an elf and get a picture,” Isaac tells his daughter.

“That’s okay. I’ll remember him,” Cobie chirps.

She goes up on her knees and cups her mouth to whisper into Kris’s ear.

He nods.

Then, she hops off the bench, gathers her candle and treats, and hands them to me before taking Isaac’s hand.

As we make our way down the path that leads back to the park, Kris calls after us, “Cobie!”

We pause, and she looks over her shoulder at him.

“Santa knows all our secrets, even the ones we keep hidden under our beds.”

Her eyes go round as he turns back to the lake.

“What was that all about?” Dawn asks.

I shrug.

“Do you know him?” Isaac asks me.

I shake my head. “Nope. He must be visiting too,” I say.

Although he does look vaguely familiar.

Must be a return tourist.

We run into Norah and Sammy at Mom and Trixie’s table, and Dawn talks them into coming out to see her husband perform. Trixie offers to take Cobie back to the inn so Isaac and I can go as well.

Isaac bends a knee and speaks to his girl. “Are you sure it’s okay if Miss Trixie takes you back?”

“I’m sure. We’re gonna help Willa string popcorn for the Christmas tree,” she exclaims.