“Great. Now, let’s eat,” Hannah suggests.

We follow her into the back, where Norah has a small break area, and she pulls three Tupperware containers filled with the cheesy potato goodness.

“So, Sela, have you swiped right on any men yet?” Norah asks as she fishes plastic forks from a drawer under the microwave.


“Why not?” Hannah asks.

I shrug. “No one has piqued my interest.”

“No one, except for a handsome photographer, you mean?” Norah pokes.

“My interest in Isaac is strictly professional,” I inform her as I dig into my meal.

“Oh, come on. That man is so fine,” Norah says.

“He’s also leaving in a couple of days,” I remind her.

“So? He’s here now,” Hannah interjects.

My eyes slide to her. “Yes, with his eight-year-old daughter.”

“Who is more than happy spending time underfoot with Mom and Alice in the kitchen. You should climb that man like a tree while they have her distracted,” Norah adds.

“You’re crazy,” I scoff.

Hannah shrugs. “Nothing wrong with a little Christmas fling.”

Norah raises her fork in the air and points at her. “Exactly. I encouraged both you and Willa to have a holiday affair.”

“Look how well that worked out. We both ended up packing up and moving to Idaho,” Hannah quips.

“You’re welcome,” Norah bellows.

“Slow your roll, ladies. Nobody is looking to move anywhere,” I command.

Norah grins. “That’s the beauty of it. You already live here, Sela. No risk of upheaving your life. Just upheaving your nether regions.” She waggles her eyebrows.

I shake my head. “Like I said, even if he were interested—which he is not—he leaves in two days. I think my nether regions are safe.”

“You mean sad,” Norah mutters.

She’s not wrong.

I spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on work that I set aside the past few days, and I only come up for air when I hear the sweetest, spirited voice calling my name from the front of the building.

I stand and pop my head out of my office door and peer down the corridor to see Isaac, Cobie, and a tall blonde I don’t recognize gathered around Roxie’s desk.

Cobie spots me and raises a large black flashlight. “Sela! We’re ready to hunt Santa’s elves,” she squeals.

I place my hands on my hips and march down the hall to meet her.

“And what is that?” I ask.

“It’s a flashlight. Daddy says I’m too little to carry a candle around so I have to use this instead,” she explains.

I grin at her as she bounces on the toes of her white fur-lined boots.