“I’m Cobie Ralston, and that’s my daddy. He wants to take your picture,” Cobie replies.

“He does?”

“Yeah, he takes pictures of everything.”

Norah’s amused eyes flitter to us. “Hmm, well, how do I look?”

She twirls so we can see her red leggings and oversize sweater with the wordsI Love a Man with a Beardwrapped around a headshot of Santa.

“I like your sweater,” Cobie says.

“We’re going to be best friends, aren’t we?” Norah asks her.

Cobie giggles.

Isaac snaps a photo as she leans over the counter to hand Cobie a candy cane. Then, he begins to look around the quaint shop.

Wreaths made of vibrant red bows and lush greenery hang on the walls, and potted evergreens line the shelves.

The scent of fresh pine mingles with the fragrant aroma of roses. A Christmas tree—covered in holly branches, mistletoe, poinsettia blooms, frosted pine cones, and delicate flower-print ribbons—stands proudly in front of the window that overlooks the sidewalk. Its base is surrounded by bouquets of white lilies and crimson carnations.

Isaac marvels at the artful combination of blooms and Christmas decor, making the shop burst with Christmas joy.

“Thank you. That’s quite the compliment, coming from a world-famous photographer,” Norah says.

“I don’t know about that famous part, but I know beauty when I see it,” he states.

Norah, who is now standing beside me, leans over and whispers in my ear, “I know beauty when I see it, too, and that man is beautiful.”

I shove my elbow into her side, and she yelps.

“You’re Mr. Keller’s sister?” Cobie asks Norah.

“I am indeed.”

“We’re staying at his house. Miss Trixie and I are making wishing bottles tonight after dinner.”

“You are? Miss Trixie is my momma, and I help her make crafts all the time,” Norah says.

“You can come help us tonight,” Cobie suggests.

“I might just do that. I’ll have to call and see what Alice has planned for dinner,” Norah replies.

“It’s pot roast night,” Keller interjects.

Norah scowls. “Again? We just had pot roast a couple of days ago.”

Keller shrugs. “Willa says the baby loves Alice’s pot roast, so Alice insists on making all the pot roast she can eat until he comes.”

“Fine, if we must.” Norah looks down at Cobie. “Alice’s roast is the best.”

“So, you’ll come?”

“I will. Maybe we can talk Sela here into coming, too, and we’ll make it a party.”

“Yeah, that sounds like the best idea ever,” Cobie squeals.

Keller looks at Isaac. “A crafts party? Yikes. Do you want to join me and Pop after dinner? We’re going to be drinking beer and working on our parade boat in my parents’ garage.”