“Sure, just don’t show anyone until after the tree lighting,” he requests.

“It’ll stay under wraps until the article comes out in a few weeks,” I promise.

I check the camera’s settings and focus and make a circle around the piece of art.

At the front of the sleigh, there’s a spacious seat, where Santa would sit, carved and covered in white upholstery cushions with gold threading. The backrest has a plush red velvet cushion, ensuring that Santa can relax as he embarks on his magical journey. The armrests are embellished with patterns of holly and jingle bells, adding to the festive charm.

The sleigh rests on sturdy bronze blades, no doubt to ensure smooth travels for Santa and his reindeer.

“The attention to detail in the carving is remarkable,” I observe as I click frame after frame.

Running along the edges of the sleigh are real jingle bells, and tiny, twinkling LED lights are intricately woven into the woodwork.

“Do the lights work?” I ask.

“Let’s see,” Bran says as he walks over to a switch and flips it. Then, he presses a button beside the sleigh steering wheel. The lights blink on, and a soft glow illuminates the wooden sleigh, as if it were alight with Christmas magic.

“Wow,” Cobie mutters.

“Do you think the big guy is going to like it?” Bran asks Cobie, and she gives him an enthusiastic nod. “Me too. There is one thing I could use your help with though.”

Cobie’s eyes go to him.

“I’m not sure how comfortable it is. We can’t have Santa with a stiff back and sore bum. Would you mind trying it out for me?” he asks.

Cobie’s arms shoot straight up. Bran chuckles as he lifts her off her feet and sets her on the sleigh seat.

I capture every moment of her wonder and delight as she runs her hands over the armrests and clutches the wheel.

“What do you think? Will Santa be comfy all night on Christmas Eve?” Bran asks.

“Yeah, but he needs a cupholder for hot chocolate to keep him warm in the sky,” she suggests.

“A cupholder,” Bran repeats as he rubs his chin. “I think you’re right. Thank you for the suggestion.”

Cobie beams at him.

The bell on the door chimes again, and Bran’s eyes go wide. He plucks Cobie from the seat and sets her back on her feet before clicking off the lights and tossing the tarp back on top.

Keller walks into the workshop just as Bran switches the overhead lights back on.

Bran looks at Cobie and places a finger over his lips.

Keller’s hands go to his hips.

“What’s going on in here?” he asks.

“Nothing,” the four of us say in unison.


Keller shows us a few furniture designs he is working on while Bran introduces Cobie to the art of glass blowing.

“This is what I’m working on for Willa for Christmas,” he says.

“Oh, Keller, it’s incredible. Willa is going to love it,” I say.

I walk around the custom-built crib with carved baby animals and the family name in each end panel.