Page 6 of Earth's Paladin

As Daphne stretched for the first time in more than a century, she heard the Earth Mother’s voice.

Welcome back, my champion.

“About time,” was her grumbled reply. Her limbs and joints popped as she rotated them, trying to work out their stiffness.

There were complications.

“You mean you lacked the right person to break my curse.” A curse that was broken weeks ago, and yet Daphne had to wait until someone came along and finally lit the fire that ripened her seed.

The flakes of falling snow chilled her warm skin. She glared at the sky. Couldn’t she have been reborn in warmer weather? Winter was a time of hibernation and she’d already slept too long.

The dying coals in the trunk beckoned, but that would involve getting close to her prison. She’d already spent too much of her life in that spot. She couldn’t wait to leave this wretched place.

You’ll need to dress yourself if you don’t want to draw notice, the Earth Mother advised.

Daphne cocked her head before speaking aloud, her voice rusty from disuse. “Where can I find clothing?” And a weapon. Not that it had helped her last time. Caught by surprise, she never had a chance to stab anyone.

The Mother sent her directions via the soil touching the soles of her feet. Daphne pivoted to follow, only to pause and frown. “There is a strangeness in the air.” A feeling of power that she was not familiar with.

The Monster King has returned and claimed this land.

“Do you need me to kill him?” Daphne asked. In the past, before her untimely imprisonment, she’d been the Earth Mother’s paladin, tasked with handling threats.

No. I approve of his return. However, given this is his domain, and you are my champion, you will have to relocate if you wish to serve me still. I will understand, though, if you’d like to switch your allegiance. I’m sure the king would find you a position suited to your skills.

“What happened wasn’t your fault.”

The Earth Mother had always been good to her. When a grievous injury had Daphne on death’s door, the Mother placed her into a seed. It was only supposed to last a few weeks while she healed. Alas, the same witch that injured her cast a curse that kept Daphne trapped until now. Pity the witch was long dead. Not all species enjoyed extended lifespans like dryads.

Outfit yourself, then speak to me again. I have a mission for you.

With the Mother’s guidance, Daphne began to walk and quickly discovered she followed tracks in the newly fallen snow. Big footsteps dented the fresh snow and, given the falling flakes hadn’t filled them yet, indicated the wearer of the boots shouldn’t be far ahead. Good, because her hair might be long, but it barely covered her chilly flesh. She’d hate to go into hibernation so soon after her lengthy, forced sleep.

Within minutes, she came in sight of a bulky figure standing on the edge of the woods, staring off into the distance. As she came close, he spoke in a low gruff tone.

“Who are you? Why are you following me?”

“Give me your clothes.”

He chuckled as he turned, and then gaped before blurting, “You’re naked.”

“And you’re not.” She held out her hand. “Give.”

“Is this a trick?” He eyed her with suspicion.

“You talk too much.” She launched herself at him, but he moved fast for a male his size. His sidestep led to her landing hard, hitting the ground, but rolling back to her feet. She partially crouched and planned her next attack.

A mighty frown creased his brow. “Are you insane? You do see I’m like two to three times your size.”

“It’s not about the size but the skill.” She might be a little stiff and out of practice, but he had something she wanted. She pounced again. This time he caught her midair.

“Bad whatever the fuck you are.”

She clapped her hands over his ears, and he bellowed as he dropped her.

“Geezus. You want my coat, take my fucking coat,” he groused.

“Was that so hard?” she replied as he shrugged it off.