I quiver, suddenly cold, folding my body around my son, who snuggles into me for safety I can’t offer. The man grunts and growls at me. “Get out or I’ll take you out myself.”

I lift my head slowly and look up into laughing eyes. It’s the man with the flask, which he still has in his left hand. He curls his lips and indicates that I step out.

I beg with my eyes and my words. “Please, not my son. Whatever you want with me is fine, but not my son.”

He chuckles, but his eyes flash wickedly. “Anything I want with you, huh?”

My heart seizes at his tone.

I lift my chin. “Just leave my son alone.”

“We’ll see about that,” he says with a dark chuckle.

I step out of the car, holding Lucian. I can feel him stirring and I hope he’s not waking up. I look down to find Rosa flat on the floor.

There’s blood dripping from her shoulder, and she's groaning and grunting, but I know she's not going anywhere without help. Her gun is gone... and I don't see Romero anywhere.

The man fists his hand in my hair and tries to take Lucian from me but I tighten my arms and he lets go, instead jerking his head to indicate that I move. My heart sinks, and I want to scream at him to leave us alone.

Lucian is wiggling in my arms, and definitely awake. “Mommy, what’s going on?”

“Daddy has some friends over,” I say, hoping that he won’t notice the fact that they’re distinctly not friendly.

The man’s lips curl into a smile. “Yes, we’re all just friends.”

The color leaks from my face, and I want to strike him, want to sink my hands into his shirt, and claw that look of superiority off his fucking face.

He walks into the house, leading three other men who all have weapons in their hands. I almost shout when we make it inside.

Only the thought of my son in my arms keeps the scream from exploding out of my lips. Romero is hog-tied, blood dripping from his forehead. He's not moving, and I think he's dead. Because of me.

I hold Lucian close so he can’t see.

The man holds out his hands, and smirks. “Hand him over.”


“Hi,” Lucian says. “Who are you?”

“A friend,” the man says.

The glint in his eyes tells me I need to let go, so I do.

He takes my son from me finally and I cry softly, the tears dripping down my face. If I survive this moment, I know this man is surely going to be hurt badly. By me. But if he hits or hurts my son, I'm going to kill him.

“Not my son,” I whisper again.

“I heard you. I’ll take that deal. How about you go upstairs with one of daddy’s friends, and you can watch a movie? How does that sound?” he asks Lucian.

“Okay,” Lucian blinks.

My son is too trusting.

The man looks at me. “See? Not your son. But you…”

My heart crumples.

It gets even worse when he swings his head to a woman who steps out of the hallway and nods to him. He growls at her, his brow hitched in question. "Is the room ready?"