Weren’t they expecting this many people? “It’s your father’s funeral. Of course, there’s going to be a lot of people, Declan. They’re here to pay their respects.”

“They’re here to sniff out the competition. I’m certain a few of them are fucking spies too.” He sounds disgruntled, and I don’t argue with him. He’s most probably right.

Rosa arrives from nowhere, a plate of fruit in her hand, which she hands to me. She has a frown on her face, and a hurried look lingers in her eyes. “I know you haven’t had a meal all day. That can’t be healthy for you. And stop worrying; he’s going to be fine.”

I bite my lip and nod. Of course, he’s going to be fine. It doesn’t mean that I worry any less. “I didn’t know you were here. I haven’t seen Ryder all day.”

Her reply is very cryptic. “He’s keeping an eye on things.”

I want to ask what he’s keeping an eye on, but Alec interrupts us. Most of the guests are settled, a few eating, most standing around discussing with familiar faces. Father is somewhere around, but I can’t see him now. As is Daniel.

Alec has Lucian in his arms. He hands me the boy, and I clasp my arms around his struggling body and press a kiss to his hair. He wants to be let down, but there are too many people around for that.

Xander and I had made time to sit with him and tell him his Grandpa was dead. He didn’t understand everything but at least it would explain why the man wouldn’t be seated at the head of the table anymore. Why wouldn’t he be able to see him when he wanted to? My heart squeezes and wrenches and I’m the one holding back tears.

I’ve just dabbed at my eyes and swung my head to try to find Gianna in the throng of humans when my eyes clashes with the man from the funeral. He still has the flask in his hands, and he doesn’t look away now. Same as earlier. This time, there’s a sly smile on his face that sends a slimy shiver of discomfort skittering through me.

He presses a finger to his lips and then turns and limps away. I watch him until he steps out of the door. I look away, somewhat chilled, and hug Lucian harder against my frame, relieved when he pushes his head into the crook of my shoulder and settles somewhat. Xander walks inside, people parting without question to let him pass.

He walks towards us, his eyes trained on Lucian, who’s suddenly restless again, sticking out his hand for his father. He wiggles in my arms to be let down, and I let him, watching as he runs to his father. “Papa.”

Xander sweeps him into his arms and hugs him tight, closing his eyes for a second and inhaling his hair deeply. That and the fast blink of his eyes for a short second is the only streak of emotion across his blank face.

I see him relaxing into the comfort that our son brings, and it makes my heart swell with joy.

His phone must ring in his pocket because he finds it, lifts it to his eyes, and stiffens. His entire body goes rigid, his arm around Lucian going so tight that the boy wiggles.

I stand, noticing the flurry of movement everywhere in the room. All his men are alert, as is Rosa, who has her eyes on her phone.

He stomps towards me, hands me Lucian without a word, and bends towards my ears. His words are a panicked whisper, barely loud enough for me to hear. “You head back home with Romero right now! You do not leave the house without hearing directly from me. Do you understand?”

I gulp and bite down on my lip, my eyes tracking the room. Most of the men are already heading toward the door, and the few left are taking up strategic positions around the room. It’s easy to see that something’s wrong. “Are you going to be safe? Xander, please, I need to know.”

He takes my fingers in his, and his eyes clash with mine. “I’ll come back to you. I can’t promise in what state, but I’ll be back.”



Between the church and the warehouse, I don’t have time to worry about whether or not Mel made it home safe.

I have to trust that she did.

The phone call at my father’s funeral was Ryder, letting me know that the Russians were finally making their move. As we roll up, there’s a spray of bullets. Ryder quickly takes the gunman out, but it feels like an ominous welcome.

I have a feeling that this is not going to go well.

“Damn them,” I hiss as Ryder and I get out of the car. “Of course they’d do this today.”

“It’s a smart move, I have to say,” he whispers back.

“Not smart. Stupid and brash,” I rage.

We creep into the warehouse, and unsurprisingly, there’s yet another gunman around each corner. Ryder and I manage to subdue them, but once we get toward the cargo that we’re trying to protect, something becomes painfully apparent to me.

It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Briefly, my thoughts turn to Mel and Lucian.