Last night, he'd pulled me into his arms and taken the kiss I offered, but when my hand had started wandering down his body, he'd stopped and groaned, then put me away and slipped out of bed.
I found him twenty minutes later in Lucian's room, just staring at his son.
So no, I don't believe he's angry, but there's definitely something rattling around in his head. And while I don't want to probe, I'm dying to know what it is.
I snap back into the conversation when my sister blows her minty breath in my face. "What were you thinking of? I mean, do you need a penny or a dollar for your thoughts?"
"How about a million? Xander's not mad. Or maybe he is. I don't know, but he's been cool. Really fine with all this and taking it in his stride. If I'd known this was possible, I never would've kept Lucian away from him that long."
"I'm glad to hear that I have your stamp of approval, Melissa." His cold voice breaks in.
Goosebumps break out on my skin, and I snap off the couch, but I only get his back. Gianna has a hand over her mouth and a cool look in her eyes that belies the whole hand over her mouth.
I hurry after Xander into the kitchen, where he's dropping off the bags in his hands.
"That was nothing like what it sounded like." I stutter from behind him.
"What did it sound like?" He asks calmly, his back to me. He sounds like he doesn't care. But I know this man. I've been in his bed a million times; I've skimmed my fingers over his skin; I know all the groves and creases of his flesh.
He's angry. And holding a tight leash over it. His back is tense, his shoulder tight, and he isn't looking at me.
"As though I never meant to tell you about Lucian. I was going to."
"Stupendo. I believe you. Okay."
I stop, wary about his easy acceptance. I don't understand it.
"I realize you'll never trust me again, Xander. But I swear that was all. It was just a conversation with my sister."
"Then come prove it to me." He turns to me finally, and I see the redness of his eyes. He's angry, but the tight clench of his lips has nothing to do with me.
"What happened?" I hurry to him and let myself relax into him the way he's always liked to have me. I can make him feel he is my protector. That he owns my body and soul and no one else but him will do.
"Bad day at work. Lost some of my men." His hands tighten painfully around me, and his chest expands with a deep sigh. "Fucking Russians fucked us over with Sandro."
"Who's Sandro? Actually, don't answer that. Come have a shower with me." He hesitates when I leave his arms and hold my hand out to him. "Please."
He looks around uncertainly. "I wanted to spend time with Lucian, so I brought us some lunch. I'm fucking barking with anger, but I wanted to hold him."
"Come shower first. Maybe later we'll have dinner together. "
He nods and follows beside me, his hand on my waist. When we slip into the room, I lock the door behind me and undress first. He watches me, hunger and rage playing across his face, his brow taut.
"What are you doing?" He asks warily. I ignore him, instead stepping out of the black dress and stepping towards him in the little scraps of lingerie I'm wearing. I hide a smile at the answering bulge winking at me from his pants.
I cup him through his pants and stroke my hand over him. "Getting you ready for a shower. It'll be a long one."
The intensity of his eyes is as warm as a sunbeam, but he doesn't pull away when I bend to kiss my way to his zipper. He doesn't protest as I unzip it gently, my eyes on his the entire time.
I pull his pants off slowly, very slowly, the thump as his belt hits the floor somehow very satisfying. I grin up at him, and he steps out of the pants, his eyes flashing like a predator's after prey.
I kiss his thighs slowly, tenderly on my way up to his cock, and wrap my hand around his thick girth, licking my lips gently.
I glide my hand from his base up to the tip, tracing my thumb over his slit, which finally elicits his first groan.
He tips his head back, and the sound vibrates his body, which leads to me placing a hand on his stomach before repeating the action to feel the vibrations.
"Do you want me to suck you off Mi'lord?" I whimper up even as my tongue sweeps out over my lips, my mouth salivating at the thought of it.