Of course, that’s his first worry. I smile. “I sent him with Romero to Father’s. He’s safe.”

“I had no doubt that he was. You wouldn’t be so calm here if he wasn’t.” He bends his head so his lips graze my ears, his brand on me obvious to the rest of the room. “And while we’re on the topic. Why the fuck are you here, Melissa?”

I jerk away slightly, his angry whisper raking over my skin like cat claws. Why the hell is he so angry?

I lick my lips and shift closer. “Can we talk? Alone?”

He pulls away and, turning, walks up the stairs without a word. I send a look to Father and excuse myself. I find him upstairs, in his Father’s study, the door just pulling shut behind him.

He’s sitting, a look on his face that I immediately recognize. It’s anger mixed with worry and dread. And there’s pain there, too, in the scrunch of his brows, in the slight hunch of his shoulders, in the way he holds out his arms and welcomes my embrace. Now, it’s just the two of us in the room.

I fold my arms around him, pulling the skirt of my flared dress up so I can straddle him. He allows himself to relax into the chair so I can fix myself to him, my chest flat on his, his hair against my neck, my ass resting on his thighs. “I’m so sorry, Xander. I’m so very sorry this is happening.”

He tightens his arms around me, his chest hitching on a deep inhale, and the tears finally drip out of my eyes. He’s hurting. Which means I’m hurting. “Why are you here, Melissa?”

I go to lift my head, but he presses down on the nape of my neck, wounding his hand in my hair in a move that isn’t altogether painless.

“You’re supposed to be in Cabo. Where I know you and my son and my baby in you are safe, where none of this can get to you. How am I supposed to handle the Famiglia and worry about you, Melissa?”

It doesn't escape my notice that he keeps using Melissa instead of Mel. Or that his chest is rising and falling against mine with each worried exhale.

“I needed to see you, Xander. I needed to know you were fine.”

He grunts, his eyes finally lifting to meet mine. They’re hot with anger, traces of worry floating through the blue depths.

“I can’t be perceived as weak. I can’t let the Famiglia doubt me. Not right now. They’re waiting for the slightest sign of weakness. Each of those men would kick me to the ground if they thought they could get away with it.”

I bend my head so my nose rubs against his. “But they won’t. They’re not getting away with it, Xander. They’re your men, and you will lead them. It’s not them you should worry about. It’s the Russians.”

He bares his teeth in a sardonic grin. “What do you know about the Russians?”

“Only what Daniel told me on our drive over. They’re trouble, it seems. But let’s not talk about them. Not today.”

“What would you rather talk about?”

I swat his hand trailing up my side away. “You.”

He bends his head so his forehead laps against mine and then holds himself still, just watching.

“I’m fine, Mel. I’ve been expecting this. I’ve made my peace with him. I forgave him. He knew about his grandchild, the one growing in you. The family will go on.”

A knock comes at the door, and Declan calls out. “Mother is ready, Xander. You need to come down.”

He stills and sniffs before sitting up and slowly pulling me off his lap. I allow him, shifting away to settle on the table. He stands, straightening his clothes around him before bending his head to press a soft kiss to my lips. “You stay here.”

I slant my head back and glare at him. “Is that a command?”

“Yes, Mel. I’m happy to see you, but I worry about your safety. I have to be strong now, and you are my weakness, Sole.”

I give him a fierce scowl, leaning forward so he knows I’m serious. “I can be your strength, too. I’m not so weak that I can’t take care of myself, Xander.”

He grazes his thumb over my lips, a slight smile at the corner of his lips that sends relief rocking through me. It’s the first smile he’s worn since I’d seen him. “I know, but I want to take care of you. The same way you want to take care of me, Mel. Stay here.”

He kisses me hard and fast, his hands locked around my body on the table before he pulls away and is gone, the door closing gently behind him.

It opens almost immediately and Daniel strides in, a grim look on his face. I walk over to him, and he opens his arms, allowing me to sink into him.

We stand quietly that way for a while, his fingers strolling up and down my back. “Did he send you up here to make sure I stayed put?”