Not everyone is comfortable around Xander. Anyone who has lived here for more than a month knows the Amory family.

I have known the man for years, and yet I still fear his rage.

"I don't mind." Her words are simple, but the tone she delivers them has me turning away from her, my son tucked into the arch of my hips.

There's a forlornness to her tone, as though she senses trouble in the air but is choosing to wade through the heat for me. She's always been that way.

I look down at Lucian in my arms. "How about you go let Hailey dress you up? We'll need to leave soon."

If Father is right about Rosa being in my room, and I have no doubt that he is, then I want a moment alone with her. Something is obviously happening that he isn't being completely honest with.

He'd given me two days to move into Xander's house, then changed his mind at a moment's notice. How then had Rosa been informed to show up here?

It wasn't possible. Which meant she'd already been here. Which was either a mistake on his part, or there was never any two days. And just what was the rush?

I let Lucian slide down my hips, watching as he runs back down the hallway, and then I take four slow, deep breaths, attempting box breathing to still myself. I have a feeling I'll need it.

When I step into my room, there is a flurry of action. Rosa seems to be directing three women who are packing up box after box of my clothes. One of them is sifting through my jewelry and placing them in separate velvet boxes.

"I could've done this myself, you know." I move across the room to her, ignoring the jab of fear that seems to be crushing my rib cage. I fear I will have no control over my life.

Perhaps this will be the last moment in which I will ever have a choice, and this in itself isn't even one.

"You don't have to. Xander sent the women."

The mention of his name has me clenching my fist at my sides. Rosa sends a look to my tight fingers, and I open them, splaying them against my side.

"So he knows I'm coming? Was this his idea?" I would understand it better if it had been. Just one more piece in his empire to move as he saw fit.

Except I wasn't even his wife yet.

And you've already fucked him once.

A pulse throbs all over my body at the thought. I ignore it.

Rosa shakes her head. "Both your parents decided. He's been driven home to await your arrival. Is there anything you'd like to take with you? This might be one of the last times you'll be here."

I grit my teeth and flash her a look of anger, my eyes gleaming like gems.

"I'm not allowed to visit my father?"

"Not to stay. This will no longer be your home."



My gut clenches. One clean drop like a roller coaster, making the tough drop with humans in its bowels. She'll be here in a few minutes.

Knox is standing by the window, a reflective stoop to the drop of his shoulders. I pace my way across the length of the house, grateful it's just the both of us here.

My heart thunders like a stallion in my chest, and I tighten my jaw. This isn't the first time Mel will be spending the night here.

But this feels different. This time, there will be no leaving and no running away when things get tough. I wonder if she knows what that means.

Knox walks over to me, dressed as always a little better than a juvenile.

"You can stop pacing. It's not a good look."