It was a billiard club.
I frowned. Is that where he’d gone? To a billiard club?
We turned down a corridor, and one of the men hurried to open another door so we could enter.
Inside, a medium-sized section cut off from the main area was empty except for a bartender, stationed behind a long, polished bar on the left side of the room. Three small raised stages with strip poles were stationed in the middle of the floor. Lounge furniture, made of the most expensive leather in shades of white decorated the space.
“Leave us.”
The men disappeared, and for the first time, Dominic and I eyed each other. A flash of our kiss in that elevator bombarded me as my eyes crept over his hard, chiseled face down to his lips.
The spicy aphrodisiac that cruised from him wasn’t his cologne alone. I knew his scent—had smelled it in his office when he’d stuck his tongue in my mouth, in the library when I’d collided with his chest, in the elevator when he’d pinned me to the walls, and now, it teased me as my chest rose and fell against his.
Gray eyes stared at me, filled with concern. But as quickly as I saw that concern, it changed to a glare.
Dominic peeled me away from his body and plopped me down on the sofa, annoyance changing his handsome features into a rugged, frustrated menace.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
I sucked in a breath. “Where is here, exactly?”
Hearing my name drop from his mouth sent a shiver straight to my pussy.
“I…” I sighed.
“You were following me.”
“Is that a question or…?”
His glare intensified.
“I can tell you right now, that look you’re doing…although it shows you’re not pleased, I’d rather be confronted with it any day than what just happened to me back there so you can’t get rid of me with it.”
He sighed, the concern fighting its way back to the surface of his face. “You shouldn’t have come here.”
“Where is here, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Why would you follow me? What is it about me that has your curiosity so piqued?”
He gritted his teeth. “You’re in danger.”
My eyes widened, and an involuntary shutter slipped down my flesh. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Every time you do something because of your curiosity, it puts you in danger, Penelope.”
“Do you really need to ask that question?”
“What just happened to you?”
“I…” My mind shuffled, and I grimaced. “I’m not sure.”