Page 73 of Forbidden Obsession

“Because you’re constantly watching security cameras and tapes, what good will it do you?”

“There’s been no one killed by The Black Rose on my watch.”

It was an accolade for her as it was with Bruno, and she was right. They both were. But that was because I genuinely loved them, and spilling blood under their watch never crossed my mind.

“Touché.” I slipped my phone in my pocket. “And no, he doesn’t and won’t know about her, will he, Luna?”

“Not unless he demands to go over the recordings.”

“And when does he ever do that?”

“So far, he hasn’t done it in decades, but he also hasn’t had a reason to. He may order it if we don’t stop The Black Rose.”


“Yes, Dominic, me and you. I feel if we work together, we can stop him.”


“Whatever the fuck it is.”

I smirked. “I’ll talk to you later, sister.” I turned to exit. “Oh, her name is Penelope. She wants to meet you.”

“What does she know about me?”

“That you’re my badass, annoying little sister.”

She twisted her lips. “Get out, Dominic.”

I laughed. “Do me a favor and go meet her, and while you’re at it, tell her I had an emergency and offer her a ride home.”

“Damn, you really do like her, don’t you?”

I left without responding, but Luna’s laughter haunted me down the halls.



“It’s time.”

Dameon closed the door to his study and walked back to his desk, where I stood. He gripped me on the shoulder, and we eyed each other.

“Give me the details,” I said.

He strolled to the cigar cabinet and removed pre-cut cigars. After lighting two, he handed me one and poured me a short glass of liquor.

Dameon strolled to the window and stared out at the horizon. “Our allies are increasingly spooked by this Black Rose son of a bitch. I’ve been in touch with Bruno, and you were right. He’s on top of shit like we should be here.”

“So what’s the plan?”

He turned to look at me. “The entire underworld is whispering, Dominic, and the things they say have our allies looking at us with indifference.”

“Who? Point them out, and I will strike them down.”

He smirked. “I’m proud of you. If I’ve never told you that, understand that you’re my pride and joy.” He paused, his mind musing. “I know we had a rough start,” he mumbled. It was the closest he’d come to saying anything about my youth. “But we’ve put it behind us, and you’ve become the spitting image of me with the moves you make.”

That only angered me. And in that singular moment, I wished I had my stress ball.