Page 34 of Forbidden Obsession

“Seriously, if either of these other bimbos gets to him, it’ll be too late. You know men can only focus until their dick is wet.”

“If that’s true, then I don’t want him.”

“But he wants you.”

My eyes widened, and I turned to stare at her. “Why do you think that?”

“He took his attention off me and gave it to you without you saying a word. And kept it there longer than anyone else. Then invited you to meet with him after class. I’d say he might want a taste. Go test him and see.”

I chuckled. “Emma…”

“What?” She sighed. “If you don’t do it, let me know, and I will. One of us has to take one for the team, and it might as well be me if not you.”

I giggled. “Calm down, please.”

The mischievous glint in her eyes told me that she thought her words of encouragement had sealed the deal between me going after Dominic, but she didn’t know that I was far, far, ahead of her.



The clock struck two p.m., and I had never moved so fast to get out of my last class. The halls filled with students, rushing to get to another session or leave campus for the day. I, on the other hand, had other ideas as I cut the corner and entered the open door to Professor Lucas’s office.


His gaze lifted from the computer screen to mine when I shut and locked the door, and without a word, he leaned back in his ergonomic chair, hands sliding behind his head, his gaze crawling over me as I approached.

“Good evening, Professor Lucas.” I set my purse and the large black vintage tote bag in which I carried my books on the side of his desk, then perched my ass on the edge.

“Good evening, Ms. Cattaneo.”

His deep voice always aroused me, and I preferred it that way.

“You can drop the formal address. It’s just me an?—”

The toilet flushed in his bathroom, and I stood from his desk and stepped to the side of it as the water in the sink ran.

Seconds later, the door opened, and a woman—Ms. Monroe, one of the student counselors—exited. Her eyes widened when she saw me, then a soft smile replaced her surprise as she strutted over to Dominic.

“I see we have company,” her light voice rang. “Or you,” she corrected, releasing a flirtatious laugh. Her hand landed on his shoulder, and I couldn’t help but size her up.

Ms. Monroe wore a beige ruffled long-sleeve blouse with a mauve pinstripe knee-length skirt. On her feet, three-inch beige heels and jewelry accessorized her wrists, ears, and neck.

Straight auburn hair waved across her shoulders, and the scent she wore was heavily sweet. Ms. Monroe was a beauty, and as long as she stood leaning flirtatiously close to Dominic, the more I considered I was out of my league if she were my competition.

“I…didn’t know you were busy,” I said, grabbing my tote and purse and quickly turning to leave.

“Well, technically, I’m on my way out the door,” Ms. Monroe said. “Are you changing your classes, Ms. Cattaneo?”

“Call me Penelope, please,” I said at the door, ready to make my exit.

“Very well,” her hand swept down Dominic’s arm. “I’ll talk to you soon, yes?”

“Yes, ma’am,” his said, his voice rich, low, and vibrantly seductive.

A smile lit up her face, and she strutted toward me, making sure to put an extra twist in her steps.

“Penelope,” she said, standing before me, “Don’t let me stop you from getting advice from Dominic—uh, Professor Lucas,” she corrected. “I can talk to him anytime.” She patted me on my shoulder like I was a Pomeranian waiting for a treat by the door.