Page 10 of Forbidden Obsession

“Get the fuck out, Penelope.”

“No, professor!”

“Don’t call me professor in this setting, Penelope.”

“Don’t tell me to get out then, Dominic.”

Hearing my name fall from her lips aroused me even more.

“Damn it…” I hit the button that took me to the floor where my vehicle was parked. A smugly satisfied smile etched across her lips.

“You didn’t win.”

“Looks like I did.”

I drew in a heavy breath. “What do you want?”

“To hang out.”

“To hang out?” I shook my head.

“Why do you sound like I’m being ridiculous?”

“Does it look like I hang out, Penelope?”

Her eyes covered me. “Actually, in a dark, sexy, devilish kinda way.”

I turned my body to face her and closed the air between us as she backpedaled—trapped against the tin wall.

“Is that the kind of fun you like, Penelope?”

She shivered and bit her bottom lip. “With you.”

Deep laughter fell from me. “If you knew what you were asking for, you’d take those words back.”

“I’m not a unicorn, you know. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know you’ve got an edge about you that you keep hidden.”

My brows rose. “And how would you assume something like that?”

“You’re Dameon Lucas’s son. Even if you’re the better part of him, his blood still runs in your veins, and he’s notorious for being a bad guy.”

I stared at her. She was right, and that angered me. Every time I was reminded of the blood that ran through me, it was a reminder that there was nothing on this earthly plane I could do to escape my destiny.

An unintentional growl escaped me.

“I’m nothing like Dameon.”

“I didn’t say you were like him, per se.” Her hands slipped up my chest. “I can tell you’re the better half of him.” Her hands caressed my neck, my face, and desire dug into my core as I stared into those beautiful eyes.

“You have no idea who I am.”

“Then show me who you are.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because I want to know you and you want to know me.”

I glared at her. “If I wanted to know you, I could find out in thirty seconds.”