Page 36 of Let Me Love You

“Tell me you didn’t sleep with her.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, worried I was going to need to beat the shit out of my older brother for something he’d done two decades ago.

“No, I’m not that much of an asshole,” he hissed. “But her best friend was Carter Dominick. When Rebecca found out what I’d done to save the company, she was upset. And let’s just say Carter came at me, swinging for retribution.”

“I’m surprised her family didn’t hold a grudge and do their best to take us down because of all that.”

Constantine was quiet for a moment. “There was an accident not long after, leaving Rebecca the only one alive in the family. She was married to Carter, though. And then, um.”

My brother didn’t ever drop an “um.” What in the hell was he going to tell me now?

“Rebecca was viciously murdered in a home invasion in DC, and Carter went rogue from the Agency, not believing it was random. I offered to help him, still feeling guilty for the past, and he told me to go fuck myself and if he ever saw me again, one of us wouldn’t be walking away.”

“Constantine ...” What else could I say to that?

“Carter was angry, and although he’s had vengeance for his wife’s murder, I’m still certain he won’t be willing to play nice. Seeing me will dredge up bad memories.”

“I knew Dad was ruthless in business, but I didn’t think he’d use one of us to get what he wanted.”

And if I didn’t know about any of that, then what if there was more to Bianca’s life she hadn’t shared, too? What if she hadn’t told me everything while I’d been in the army, worried any distractions might prove deadly in war?

I thought back to my time in the service. I’d enlisted for four years with no plans to continue, but the war was brutal, and the army was desperate. They begged me for any more time I’d be willing to give. Feeling guilty, I offered two more years. And every day, I wished I could take that decision back, because what if Bianca would still be alive had I come home instead?

“If Dad was willing to go to such lengths as to have his own son manipulate a college girl to protect his company, then what if he pissed someone else off and they went after Bianca as retribution?” I asked, hating the idea when my dad had once been a champion of justice, someone my brothers and I had revered.

“He would’ve told us. He’d ensure the real person responsible for her death was handled—how could he not?”

“Unless he felt guilty?”

“I don’t believe it, but we need to talk to him about this no matter what.”

And how would our sister Izzy take the news? She was finally happy and had her life together. I didn’t want this to cause her to spiral.

I put Constantine on speakerphone so I could reread the last encrypted text exchange I’d had with Jesse before Maria had shown up last night.

Me: I need his name.

Jesse: You’ll get it. I promise. But don’t forget, others need justice, too.

Me: There won’t be anything left of him when I’m done.

Jesse: Which means I should’ve listened to my team, but it’s too late now.

Me: Thirteen years too late.

Jesse: Just hang tight. Please. I’ll be in touch tomorrow.

“Make sure Jesse’s at your apartment when we arrive this afternoon,” Constantine said, as if somehow knowing I was reading my texts. “I’ll get the information out of him, since he doesn’t seem to want to give it to you.”

“Jesse’s not someone you fuck with, trust me on that.”

“And neither am I,” Constantine was quick to respond, and I looked up to see the bedroom door opening.

“I have to go. See you soon.” I ended the call at the sight of Maria and set my phone on the table by the chair. “How much of that did you hear?” I’d only placed the call on speaker less than a minute ago, so hopefully not much. She didn’t need to know the dark details of what was about to go down.

“Not enough to make sense of anything.” She tugged at the hem of my white tee, which went to her midthighs, as she slowly walked my way. “How’d you sleep?”

“Better with you by my side.” I tipped my head toward her apartment next door. “Surprised no one broke down the door to check on you, though.”

“They know you’d never hurt me,” she softly said once within arm’s reach.