Page 74 of Let Me Love You

“That I accept you for you. I’m not running.” My palm flattened on his chest, his heart beating as wildly as mine. “Be dark. Be the light. Be anything or anyone you need to be,” I rattled on crazily, but it was the truth. “Just be mine.” I innocently shrugged. “That was corny, right? I’m replaying it back in my head, and it was—”

His mouth closed over mine, stealing my words, breath, and, well, he already had my heart, so ...

His kiss was soft. Delicate. No tongue. A bit unsure, even. Was he still nervous? Worried this wasn’t real?

“Maria,” he whispered against my mouth. “You know the truth, and you still want—”

“Yes, how many times do I have to tell you that? How else can I prove to you that you’re who I want no matter what?” I pleaded. “You have to let go of this guilt. It’s crushing you. Instead, see yourself the way I do. The way I know Bianca would if she were here. Please.”

His brows snapped together, his gaze softening as he considered my words. Then his lips crashed over mine. His tongue plunged into my mouth as the last bit of fight in him to stay away died.

Hoisting my legs around his hips without severing our kiss, I anxiously tugged his dress shirt free from his pants.

“Enzo,” I cried a heartbeat later. “I need to feel you inside me.”

Still holding me, he nuzzled his nose against mine. “You taste like wine, sweetheart. Have you been drinking?”

I wrinkled my nose. “Don’t you dare say you won’t make love to me because I had some wine. I might just lose my mind. Officially.”

“We wouldn’t want that.” His devilish smile had my brain turning to mush as he eased his mouth over mine.

“We do have a problem,” he remarked a beat later while gently placing me on the bed to peel off his shirt. “You’re not on the pill, and I didn’t bring condoms.” Unbuttoning his pants, he let them hang lower on his hips, showing the ridiculously amazing vee lines that I wanted to run my tongue over.

“I have them.” I smiled, focused on the tent he was pitching in his pants.


“Yup. When I went to get M&M’s at the airport, I spotted a package of condoms and on a whim bought ’em.”

“On a whim, hmm?” Kicking off his loafers, he unzipped his pants and allowed them and his boxer briefs to fall to the floor.

I gulped as he took his cock in his hand and began lazily stroking himself. Damn, this is hot.

“Mm-hmm.” I was going to chew a hole in my lip if he didn’t come closer, though. I needed to touch him and soon. “In my purse.” I lifted my chin, directing him to where I’d tossed it.

I was about to rise, but he lifted his free hand, instantly halting my movement.

“Do you want me naked on my back or on my hands and knees?” I licked my lips, proud of the fact that the timid tone was absent from my voice this time.

“Every position sounds perfect to me.” He cocked his head, eyes holding mine. “But right now, I want you naked at the center of the bed like you’re about to pray, ass on your heels, Maria.” The dark edge of desire slicing through his words had my sex pulsing. “Because you’ll be calling out God’s name soon, Tesoro.”

Holy. Shit.

“Strip,” he ordered while stroking his cock.

“Is it wrong that I kind of like to disobey you in the bedroom?” I shared the dark thoughts circling my mind as I remained seated. “I like this feeling of being ‘bad’ when we’re together.” I swallowed. “I feel like I have to be perfect all the time, and with you, I ...” The way he was staring at me, hand still on his cock, had me biting the inside of my cheek with anticipation.

“Sweetheart.” He angled his head. “You can always be whoever and whatever you want with me.” Then his lips curved at the edges, a delicious promise there. “But if you’re going to be bad, it’d better just be with me.”

My breath caught as my body reacted to his words that were sweet but also delivered a warning. A hint of what might happen if I did “misbehave.” Knowing our time was limited, I wanted to surrender to him and cherish every second before he left. “But I think tonight, I’m going to be your—”

“My good girl,” he remarked in a dark, seductive voice that coated my body in chills and pebbled my nipples.

“Yes,” I whispered, rising to my feet to untie my wrap dress, and he resumed running his hand up and down the length of his shaft.

Slipping my hands to my shoulders, I slowly lowered the top and worked my arms loose from the long sleeves before letting it fall to the ground.

He watched every movement. Every reveal of my soft, tan skin.