It stops at a page and a particular line is highlighted. Alive: having life; living; existing; not dead or lifeless.

Assuming the library is talking to me, I say tentatively, “So you’re alive because you’re definitely not lifeless.”

The pages move again, stopping on another highlighted line. Life: the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

“I see what you’re saying. You’re alive but you don’t meet the definition of life because you aren’t organic and you probably can’t reproduce.”

The book wiggles in what looks like it might be a nod.

I run my finger over the entire definition of life. “You might not meet the definition of the noun for life, but you do have the required characteristics for the adjective. You will last a lifetime and you’re animate.” The book stops moving, the glow from the highlights dimming. I’m not sure why, but I sense the library seems a little lost on its own sentience. I take hold of the book, closing it to look at the cover. “This is a dictionary written by humans for humans. It was created for… well, not you. These definitions are meant for people to understand the world around them. I suspect you are something beyond the comprehension of humans.”

The book wiggles in my hands and I release it. The pages flutter open and another definition is highlighted. Thank: to express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment.

“You’re welcome.” I smile as the book replaces itself on the shelf and the glowing footsteps reappear.

I follow them to an alcove where they end at a desk with a chair. Several books sit atop the desk and as I watch, one of them opens to the table of contents.

“Are these for me?” The pages flutter, then settle on the table of contents once more. I take it as a yes and sit at the desk counting books. “Eight. That’s a lot of reading. I think the last book I read was a history of Monet’s artwork when I was sixteen.” After my mom passed away, there was no one to urge me to read.

A sound behind me has me twisting around and I groan as a stack of floating books settles on the edge of the desk. Glancing over the titles, all referencing mating curses, I confirm they’re for me. “This is going to be a long night.” One of the books opens in front of me, pages flipping before landing on a highlighted passage. Nice! The library is going to do my homework for me.

Caressing the page, I whisper, “Thanks.” The edge of the page wiggles and I start reading.

Chapter 31



I pace the kitchen, waiting, not totally freaking out because Rush called to tell me Magdalene has Vanessa. But sort of freaking out because he used the words ‘for experimentation’ as the reason they needed Vanessa. Theoretically, she should be safe, but I’ve spent time with the witches and they can be dangerous, especially to a vulnerable human.

Calm down, brother. She’ll be back before you know it. Rush’s voice sounds in my head and I shake him away.

How would you feel if someone took your mate without consulting you? Lennox’s voice, but his words are directed at Rush.

He would lose his shit and destroy the countryside until she was found, Lock adds with a chuckle.

So we’re doing telepathic group chats now? Rush mutters.

Get out of my head, I snap at them. I appreciate the concern, but I’m fine. Vanessa will be back soon and Magdalene will be banned from ever seeing her again. Life will go back to normal.

Magdalene is helping your mate, Rush growls. Show some gratitude. I haven’t seen her in months because she’s been diligently working on a cure for Vanessa.

His words have the desired affect and I’m about to apologize when Lennox jumps in. You need to give him space, Rush. You know what it’s like to bond with your mate then have them disappear. You were a wreck when you and Magdalene were separated.

She was gone for years! Rush rages. Keenan’s mate has been gone for hours.

Not wanting to listen to them any longer, I pull my shirt over my head and shuck my jeans, dropping them to the kitchen floor. I shift into my wolf, stretching my limbs and shaking my head. It still feels weird to have only one ear. Lopsided.

Now that I’m in wolf form, I’m better able to control the voices in my head, and I immediately shove my brothers out, sighing at the peaceful quiet left behind. As much as I’m pleased to have them in my life again, the constant strife of four alpha males jockeying for dominance is more than one wolf can handle. Especially when it’s happening in one head.

I pace the kitchen, my claws making a muted snick, snick, snick on the marble as I walk the length back and forth, back and forth. Now that my brothers are firmly blocked from my thoughts, I’m able to think. And smell. Damn it. I wish she’d been able to finish the cookies before she was dragged off. Worrying on a full belly is much easier.

I know Vanessa is fine because I can feel her. I can’t establish a telepathic connection with her, which tells me she’s not on Earth, but I already knew that. Rush told me she’s in the Citadel of the Shadow Realm.

It’s my wolf instincts urging me to find and protect my mate. Mating instincts are difficult to ignore, but going through four previous mates taught me how to manage them. Delilah was the first and my instincts were at their rawest with her. Each one taught me a little more about myself, the kind of person I want to be. But Vanessa has taught me the most by showing me the value of living in the moment by taking advantage of each day as a gift and living it to the fullest. The only thing is I can’t live to my fullest while half of me is missing.

I lower onto my belly next to the island and rest my head on my paws, my gaze never wavering from the wall. It’s where I sense a magical disturbance, where Vanessa was taken, and where I hope she’ll return.