“They will, they will,” he reassures, squeezing her shoulder. His gaze settles on me and his pleasant expression melts away though his tone is still jovial as he says. “And who is this young man?”

Vanessa snickers and Cherise rolls her eyes. “You don’t know a shifter when one sits in your restaurant? I bet this guy is older than you, Cal.”

Surprised, I give her a closer look. It’s not often humans have the ability to peg a shifter so quickly.

Her shrewd gaze catches my expression and she taps her nose. “I can sense a shifter a mile away. You guys move a little different, smoother, you know?” I sense an ally in this woman.

Vanessa looks at me with curiosity, while Calvin’s gaze is tinged with hostility. I sense it’s not shifter prejudice, but protectiveness toward my mate that has his back up. His interest appears to be fatherly, so I let it pass.

“What’ll you have, darlin’?” Cherise asks Vanessa.

I search for menus, but there’s nothing on the table.

Vanessa pipes up. “We’ll have the Belgium Waffle Combo with scrambled eggs and crispy bacon, as well as the Breakfast Scrambler, eggs over medium, two sausage links, and shredded hash browns.” She pauses and I think she’s done, but Cherise continues to wait. “Oh, and we’ll get the banana chocolate French Toast Combo. I’ll have an orange juice and a coffee too, please.”

Cherise turns to me. “What’ll you have, love?”

“Uh, same.” I’m not sure which part I’m agreeing to, but Cherise nods and walks away.

“Thanks for letting me order for you,” Vanessa says, tucking a lock of her beautiful red hair behind her ear. “Most guys don’t like that, but I really do know what’s best to eat here. I used to come all the time when I was new to the area. Calvin and Cherise discounted my meals when I was down on my luck.”

Again, my heart aches at her words, though they’re spoken with a cheer that belies the heartbreak. Does it really not bother her to have known hardship?

“Why don’t most guys like it when you order for them?” I ask, still stuck on her dating past.

She shrugs. “I suppose ego, but it’s not just guys. I think most people probably don’t like having their order hijacked.”

“Then why do you do it?”

She bites her lip and draws on the table with her fingernail. A nervous habit maybe? It’s cute, but I wish her eyes were on me. The warmth in those green orbs keeps the terrible memories of lost mates at bay. “I feel anxious when I think about my tablemate accidentally ordering something they won’t like and then never wanting to come back here with me again. So, it’s better that I just order for both of us.” She pauses and then rushes to add, “I ordered extra. I figure you probably have a big appetite to go with how big… everything else is.”

Her gaze drops down my chest to the edge of the table and I shudder as though she physically touched me, pleasure rippling through my body. The bond is growing stronger and we’ve barely spent any time together.

“I do have a large appetite and I’m glad you ordered for me. I enjoy good food and wouldn’t want to order anything bad.” When she grins, I know I’ve said the right thing. I’m warmed by her admission that she wants me to enjoy my meal enough to come back with her. Maybe she says it to everyone she eats with, but I’ll make sure I’m the last guy she says it to.

The food arrives and we dig in, Vanessa leading the way by taking small bites from every dish on the table, rather than just one as is the usual custom when humans dine. I follow suit, taking bites from the same things she tries, chasing her fork around the table.

She eats until she’s satisfied, then leans back, her hands on her stomach. She makes a face and blows her cheeks out to show how full she is. I chuckle and wolf down every morsel left behind before announcing, “That was delicious, I will definitely be coming back here with you.”

“Good!” She jumps to her feet and reaches for me, tugging my arm to indicate she wants me out of the booth. When I stand, she says, “You pay. It’s the least you can do after ruining my best dress.” As she skips away from me, she says, “I’ll be in the car. Next, we’re going to see my agent, Laz.”

Chapter 6

La La Land


“So… you’ve really known I was your mate since, well, since I was born?” I tap my fingers on the steering wheel as I negotiate Los Angeles traffic. I glance at my passenger who’s looking a little green. “Is breakfast sitting okay?” His knuckles are white where he grips his knees.

“Fine,” he says quickly. “Yes, I’ve known from the moment you were born.” A cloud passes over his face.

A dart of pain goes through me at the thought that he wasn’t pleased at my birth. “You weren’t expecting me for a mate?” I ask tentatively.

He reaches for me but drops his hand before making contact. “It’s not that.”

I wait, hoping for more but he seems to be struggling for words, like there’s something he wants to share, but can’t. I change the subject. “Do you come to L.A. often?”

His lips quirk. “Only for you.”