I’m surprised she remembers. “I do.”

“I felt so safe in your arms then.” She pauses, then says, “I felt safe in your arms tonight when you jumped through the window.”

“You did?” I ask in surprise.

“Well, it was definitely frightening, but I knew you weren’t going to hurt me.” She returns her stare to the ocean. “Instinct I guess.”

We sit silently side-by-side. I have a thousand questions I want to ask my mate. Like why does she wash her hair on Tuesdays and Fridays? And why does her trash always smell like chamomile? And how has her driver’s license not been taken away from her by the concerned citizens of Los Angeles? And finally, what will it take to get her to accept me in her life? I can feel the bond cementing. There’s no turning back.

But she’s adjusting to her new reality, one in which she has a mate she didn’t ask for. My questions can come later.

“Where do we go from here?” she asks softly, sifting sand through her fingers. “I mean what do we do about this mating thing?”

“We take it slow,” I say, mesmerized by the sand flowing over and through her elegant fingers. “There’s no need to rush anything.”

She shakes her head. “I’m not sure I want anything to happen between us, Keenan. My life might not be perfect, but it’s mine and I’ve worked hard for what I have.” If he’s been following me, then he knows I have nothing. He’s a prince or something, he must think I have a pathetic garbage heap for a life. But I love the little I do have.

I almost assure her I think nothing of the kind, but she’s not ready to know how clearly I can hear her thoughts.

She continues, “I know shifters live among us, but not many choose the city. Pinky says it messes with shifter senses, which is why she lives on a beach away from the crowds. I can’t imagine you liking it here in the city enough to stay.”

“You don’t know anything about me.”

She grimaces. “You’re right, I shouldn’t make assumptions. I don’t know you. Do you like Los Angeles?”

“Hate it,” I admit, and we both laugh.

“I think you just proved my point,” she says.

“You didn’t prove anything and you now only know one thing about me. It’s not enough to decide on a mate.”

She shakes her head, though her face is still soft with laughter. “You’re a determined wolf, aren’t you?”

At least she’s not calling me a dog. “I just want us to spend some time getting to know each other.” Even if it’ll be torture for me, I add silently.

She studies me.

I try to stay out of her thoughts.

“You won’t push me into mating?”

“Never.” I’ve seen what happens when I push a mate. Sadie. My third mate. She refused my claim and out of desperation I kidnapped her intending to take her to the witches to break the curse. Sadie died trying to flee. It destroyed me and I vowed to never force my mate again.

“Okay, I suppose it can’t hurt to hang out. Get to know each other, see if we’re even compatible.” She lets a puff of air out. “I suppose I could handle a date or two.”

Of course we’re compatible. The universe doesn’t create incompatible mates. I’ve seen it myself with my mated brothers. It was like Sarina was designed for Lock, and Magdalene was the perfect witch to pull Rush out of his gruff shell.

Vanessa stands and brushes sand off her ass, sticking her hand out to me. “C’mon. I’ll help you find a place to sleep.”

Taking her hand, I pretend to use her help as I stand. “You don’t have to find me a place to sleep. I’m a shifter, I can sleep pretty much anywhere.”

“You said you wanted us to get to know each other.” She strides around the back of Pinky’s surf shack and points at a shadowed alcove next to a garbage can. “Here. It’s where I used to sleep.”

“What?” I ask, stunned. “When?”

“Eight years ago, when I first moved to LA with only a couple of dollars in my pocket. I chose this spot because I’d heard rumors a dragon shifter lived nearby. I figured as long as it didn’t eat me, this was as safe as anywhere else.”

My mate thought hanging out with a dragon shifter would be safer? Than what? Sleeping in the lion enclosure at the zoo?