She narrows her eyes at me. “I’ll wave as I walk, pose for five photos, sign two autographs, and answer questions inside.”

“Two photos, one autograph.”

She sticks her hand out. “Deal.”

Shaking it, I reach around her and open the door. “Let’s do this, sweetheart. This is your moment.”

Her lips stretch into a radiant smile as she steps out of the limo, security surrounding her. I protect her back as we walk, allowing her to stop three times; twice for photos, and once to sign an autograph for a young fan.

One of the reporters shouts, “Who are you wearing?”

“Valentino!” she shouts back. “What a rush!” she squeals as we walk into the historic theatre.

“Vanessa!” Wesselman calls, waving.

She waves wildly back before shouting, “Is Rachel here?”

“She’s talking to the sound department.”

“Vanessa, over here!” A female reporter steps toward her.

I intercept her. “Ask your questions from here.”

Her eyes widen, but she quickly recovers her composure. “Alexia Timmons with Couture Fashion Weekly. How do you feel about sharing the limelight with Vanessa Bedalia? Do you intend to live here in Los Angeles or in Wolf-Haven? What does your bride have to say about the shifter capital?”

I glare at the annoying woman. “Wolf-Haven is the wolf shifter capital, not the capital for all shifters. There’s a difference.” Though I’m not sure I would’ve acknowledged or cared about the difference before meeting my new non-wolf shifter friends. They’ve made me uncomfortably aware that the dominance of wolf shifters has made us too often blind to the plights of our fellow shifters.

The reporter looks as though she wants to say something else, so I hold up a hand. “You may direct your questions at Vanessa as we’re here to promote her film.” When she looks to move toward Vanessa, I stop her. “Ask your questions from here.”

Keeping a healthy ten-foot distance between Vanessa and anyone who isn’t security, I scan the crowd while Vanessa joyously answers questions.

“I haven’t decided on my next project,” she tells a reporter with a smile, “but I’m perusing the scripts my manager sends me and I’ll make a choice soon. Thank you for the question.”

“Vanessa, will you live in Los Angeles or Wolf-Haven after you’ve finished promoting the film?”

I’m annoyed by the line of questioning. It seems to be all these humans care about. Will we live with the humans or will we live with the wolves? It’s no one’s damn business but ours. Still, my ears prick with interest at her answer.

“Of course, we’ll take advantage of our connections to both places and split our time between the two regions. Next question?”

I watch proudly as she deftly handles the reporters with both grace and her signature enthusiasm, quickly charming everyone within her vicinity.

Rachel strides toward us wearing a tuxedo with patent leather high-heeled shoes, her hair slicked back. “Glad you’re here,” Rachel mutters to me, her eyes on Vanessa. “God, that woman’s gold in front of a camera. Don’t be surprised if Zach snaps her up for his next film.” Her gaze moves to her clipboard. “After this, Vanessa will pose with Spoon, Zach, and the other cast in front of the premier posters. Then Lavinia Rose wants to meet her.”

“Who’s that? Another reporter?” I’m done with the reporters. Too pushy. Having them near Vanessa makes me edgy.

“Lavinia Rose is the mayor of Los Angeles,” Rachel replies. “She comes to these things so she can appeal to the youth vote. She’s okay but watch out. She’s curious about you and your brother, King Lock. Maybe wants to establish relations, especially now that Hollywood is outing its shifters.” Her tone is guilty.

“It’s not your fault,” I assure her. “Stelios was targeting shifters. He was the one who outed your shifter-hiring enterprise, not you.”

“Still, if I hadn’t hired him, or if I’d figured out what he was up to sooner, the shifters could have stayed hidden.”

I lift an eyebrow. “Should they have to stay hidden?”

A troubled frown wrinkles her brow. “It should be a choice. An individual one. No one should be outed by a video circulating through social media.”

After the train accident with Jessica, someone recorded the shifters chasing after Stelios, capturing the chaotic sounds and visuals as the animals gave into instinct. And of course, the video went viral.

“A lot of people are embracing the idea of shifters in their movies,” I argue. “This could be the beginning of a movement that allows for better policies between shifters and humans.”