Keenan’s eyes follow every move with hunger.


“I think I’ll do a few laps, swim off some steam.” He floats backwards, his eyes on me, his penis pointed proudly at the sky.

“Enjoy the pool,” I say quickly, tearing my eyes from him.

His chuckle follows me back to the house. “Run away, Little Red Riding Hood, before the Big Bad Wolf eats you all up.”

Chapter 13

LA Confidential


“Cut!” Wesselman shouts. “Beautiful work, Vanessa. In the next scene, I need you to look toward camera three when you deliver your last line. Stiffen your body, turn away and then give the camera a dramatic glance. Spoon, I need more anger from you. Your wife has admitted to an affair, show us how you really feel.”

“She’s impossible to be mad at boss, even if she’s a cheater.” Spence Spooner, the male lead for the film, grins and winks at Vanessa, which three weeks ago would’ve had me wanting to tear out his heart. I’ve since learned the man will flirt with anything, including cameras. Also, his husband, Gerald, will castrate him if he even considers straying.

I watch silently from the shadows as Vanessa takes her place and waits for her mark. Spoon takes his place, his face assuming an expression of rage. Despite his easy-going personality, when the cameras roll, he morphs into his character as if he’s never been anyone else.

Having spent three weeks on set, I’ve become intimately acquainted with the process of filming. If Vanessa weren’t in the shots, I would find it tedious, but when she’s in the scene, every eye goes to her, every person in the vicinity stops what they’re doing to watch, me most of all. I can’t tear my eyes from her.

She commands an audience with such natural charisma I would be jealous if I weren’t so proud of my mate. I have the most talented, beautiful and humble mate on the planet. And she can cook too!

I discovered that little gem when Wesselman finally gave Vanessa half a day off from filming and she dragged me to a grocery store.

“What do you like to eat?” she asked, going up and down each aisle as I dutifully pushed the cart behind her.

I scrambled to think of my preferred foods, but the only thing I could come up with was wild hare and deer. Nothing beats a freshly killed deer, it’s carcass still steaming in the crisp mountain morning air as I munch on its intestines.

Vanessa stared at me with horror, her mouth slightly open, her face paling as she caught wind of my thoughts.

I panicked, not wanting her upset over my food preferences. “My favourite food is…” I glanced at the shelf next to me, “water chestnuts. Those are good, right?”

She burst out laughing. “I’m not making fresh deer for supper, but I can probably do something with these.” She grabbed the water chestnuts from the shelf and dropped the can into our cart next to a carton of milk, a can of coffee, and two bottles of red wine.

We finished shopping and went home where Vanessa created a red Thai curry sauce with vegetables, water chestnuts, chicken and coconut rice. I had no idea food could taste like that and wolfed down every morsel, patting my belly with satisfaction as Vanessa looked on proudly.

She has since taken every opportunity we’re not on set to cook for me and since it makes her happy, I enthusiastically support her feed-the-wolf-until-he-bursts hobby.

A scream has me jerking my head up. I automatically seek out Vanessa, who looks confused but unharmed.

“Cut!” Wesselman’s voice echoes through the set.

I resist the urge to shift into my wolf as I hurry toward a storage room where the screaming is coming from. I try to push the door open, but something heavy is blocking it from the other side. I put my shoulder into it, but it won’t move.

A hand lands on my back and I glance over to find Stelios.

“Let me help.”

I nod and make room for the large man. Together, we push the door open, but the sight greeting us is a shock. The room is meant for storage, but the last time I saw it, everything was in order, organized and labelled. Now, the shelves have been pushed over and boxes, costumes, and set pieces litter the floor.

“Help!” A desperate voice calls. “I’m back here.”

Vanessa grips my arm. “It’s Rachel and she sounds hurt.”

“We’re coming, Rachel!” Stelios calls, propping a shelf against the wall.