“You’ll have it where you want it soon enough.” I thrust my hips back and forth a few times, the friction sending tiny shocks of lighting to my toes and fingers. “You are absolutely perfect,” I told him. “I could spend a lifetime trying to design the perfect man, and he would still fall short of you.”

I tilted my hips so that I could rub my cock against his tight ring of muscle. How I longed to thrust inside him, filling him completely, but I needed this to last, this night to last.

“Porter! Oh, Porter! Don’t stop.”

“There’s nothing in the world that could stop me from pleasing you right now,” I promised.

He was so slick and so ready. I kept one hand on his wrists and used the other to support my weight as I drew my tongue down his body, drawing circles and zigzags, nibbling where his body called to be nibbled, my earlier taste far from enough. It was like his body spoke a sensuous language I had known all my life and only now had found someone to communicate with. I finally drew all the way down, my body sliding off of him, kneeling before him once more.

I took my time exploring him, teasing and fingering so I could see all of him. I felt his legs tense, too, under my scrutiny, and I placed my hands on his thighs, reminding him who was in charge as I whispered, “You are so beautiful, like a rose. Your scent is absolutely intoxicating, and your taste…” I leaned forward to take him in deeply once more, savoring him. “You taste of dewy summer mornings and wild strawberries.” Having committed the sight to memory, I licked a circle around the base of his shaft but didn’t pull him in. I teased his balls with my lips, sucking and grazing with my teeth, circling within his entrance, delving my tongue as deep as it would go. I licked long stripes from the edge of his entrance over his balls and then down again.

Michael was shaking like an aspen leaf on a tree now, but still he obeyed, his hands and ankles right where I had placed them. And as much as I wanted to taste his release on my tongue again, I had waited long enough. I had promised him I would give him what he needed, and what he needed and I wanted were about to coincide.

Chapter Nine


He reached up and raised my blindfold so I could see him. I was so flipping close when Porter raised his head just barely enough for me to see his mischievous grin. The man had other plans. As much as I missed his mouth on me, there was no part of me that doubted what he planned was going to be a bazillion times better.

I tried not to second-guess why I chose to obey verbal bondage. I liked to be in control. I needed it. Except tonight I wanted to give all of that up and enjoy all that he was offering even if I didn’t quite know what that was yet. He read me well enough to know that using his belt would’ve had me freaking out and running for the hills.

A whimper escaped my lips. “I need…” I didn’t finish the sentence because I didn’t really know what I needed. Porter. He was what I needed.

“I know what you need.”

“Now.” I was begging. No shame.

“In due time.” He smirked in that sexy way he had before reaching into his discarded pants and fishing out a condom. Thank freaking goodness. “Luckily for you, that time is soon.” And with that, he plopped the condom on the bed. Bastard.

He climbed up, hovering so close, yet not touching me, the heat of his skin enveloping me. His face inched closer, my tongue darting out instinctively, licking my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, needing to taste him. He let out a small chuckle before sealing his lips to mine.

As our kiss broke, he chuckled merrily. “For the record, I am letting you feel like you’re in control.”

I was oddly okay with that. More than okay. His body was on mine. His scent wrapped around me. His kisses seared me.

“As I am you.” I nipped at his ear as I rocked into his erection, needing both the friction and the feeling of power it gave me when he groaned.

He returned to kissing me, this time starting at my neck and working his way down to my chest. I’d always been self-conscious of my scrawny physique, but the way he worshipped me with his teeth, his tongue, his hands, had me pushing myself toward him in a less than self-conscious manner.

Porter reached behind me, finding my slick entrance, and sank a finger in as he nipped my nipple. I reflexively arched into him, begging with the words I no longer had, the need too great. As his hand left my chest and grabbed the condom, I exhaled in relief. I needed him inside me in a way I didn’t even completely understand.

“Yes,” I whispered as I heard the tearing of the foil and watched him roll it down. “But I wanted to taste that,” I mumbled more to myself than him.

“And taste it you shall, but now…now I think you need to feel it.”

Heck to the yeah on that.

He settled between my legs, his cock teasing my entrance. He was forcing me to beg, the way it tormented me as he circled my hole, almost going where I needed it most. I hated it. I loved it.

After a searing kiss, he slowly entered me, his arms quaking. I thrust my hips to speed him along, and he entered me in one swift motion, breaching my tight ring of muscle and seating himself fully—I’d never felt so complete.

“You feel amazing wrapped around my cock.” His rhythm built slowly, his words of praise tumbling out the entire time. I’d never had someone speak to me in that way. Dirty, yet reverent.

“I can’t wait to watch you ride me. Look at how sexy you are as you are about to come apart beneath me.

“I can only imagine the way you are going to squeeze my cock when I finally let you come, your offerings shooting out as I fill you.

“You are sexiness personified, Michael. Your body is an architectural marvel, and I will worship at this altar until you see what I see when I look at you, until the universe wraps its cloak around you and the stars explode in the recognition of you, in the recognition of your new beginning.”