When she had questioned Uncle John about it he had told her that it was for the best. He assured her that Lightning hadn’t suffered, and said it was better for her not to see the mare after she had passed on. That was one of the worst days of her life – the day she left home.

Tyler must have caught her watching him as he turned and gave her a wave. He was smiling. How dare he smile? She quickly turned her back in case he saw her tears, although he would have been hard-pressed to do so from that distance. She quickly wiped her face and finished tidying the large kitchen.

After touching up her makeup she put on her coat and went for a short walk around the ranch. Tyler had disappeared so she was able to think without any distraction. She breathed in the scent of fresh hay as she passed the barn, and she looked over to the stables which she had run from on that horrid morning. Taking a deep breath she decided not to go over there, but instead turned to walk toward the training area, limping slightly.

“Morning Boss.” Tyler held a hand out to steady her as she almost walked right into him. She hadn’t heard him come up from behind her and she stared at him for a second. His hand was warm even through her coat and she felt something stir inside her. Quickly she remembered how upset she was with him and pulled her arm away.

“Good morning.” She lifted her chin obstinately.

“I’d be happy to give you a ride down to the attorney’s office if you just give me five minutes to wash up,” he offered with a smile. He seemed amused at her ire.

“No, thank you. I can drive myself, and, besides, I would imagine you’ve got enough to keep you busy here – that is, if you want to keep your job.” She felt a glow of satisfaction at the power she had over him. The thought of firing him made her smirk – especially as she knew that he would not only lose his job but also his home, as he lived in a house on the ranch itself, being the foreman.

To her dismay he chuckled. “Well, yes, ma’am I do want to keep my job here, but I had a letter from the attorney asking me to attend the reading of the will today, too. I’ve arranged with Darrel to cover for me so the ranch won’t suffer by my being out for a short while so there’s nothing to worry about on that score.”

Chloé stared up at him as she felt herself go hot. She frowned. “Why do you need to be there?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. The letter just asked me to attend. Maybe it’s to tell me who my new boss is gonna be.”

She seethed. Being Uncle John’s only living relative, she had assumed that the ranch would be left to her, but it was just possible that Tyler had inveigled his way into her uncle’s will in her absence. She looked around the place as a massive lump formed in her throat. What if it wasn’t hers? What if she had to leave, after all?

“Are you okay?” He placed his hands on her arms again.

She looked up into his dark brown eyes, which oozed concern. Quickly she looked away again, not wanting to see it.

“I’m fine. I have to go now,” she told him curtly and hurried off toward her car.

Her ankle hurt quite badly as she drove down into the town, and she half-wished she had called a cab. The road was still icy and she had to concentrate hard, especially where the track narrowed. She soon became aware of a truck in her rear-view mirror. It was Tyler. Damn! She had hoped to get to see the attorney before he arrived, but here he was right behind her. She guessed she had caused him to slow down as he would have been much more confident about driving on this road than she was, even in these conditions.

He pulled up right beside her in the parking lot outside the office and opened the door to allow her to enter the small building. She seethed at his good manners. The way he looked, the way he acted – even the way he smiled – irritated the hell out of her. She wished he hadn’t been so damn gorgeous, as she was doing her best to hate him right now.

“Looks like it’s just the two of us,” Tyler remarked as they stood in the tiny waiting room.

Chloé seethed. Her ankle was really hurting and she was desperate to sit down on the plush leather sofa which lined one wall. She wouldn’t allow herself to, though. That would mean allowing him to stand while she sat – or he would go and sit next to her on the couch. She felt her face flush at the thought and told herself it was just anger simmering inside her. Either way she couldn’t let Tyler think he had the upper hand – she had learned all about power games in Atlanta. She’d hated all the backstabbing and one-upmanship of the corporate world and was in no hurry to return there. Unfortunately, her fate may well lie in her uncle’s will though, and she had no idea which way this might go.

“Mr. Harley is ready for you now,” a blonde, slim secretary announced, poking her head around the door.

Tyler stood back to allow Chloé to go in first, and she felt herself bristle once more.


Mr. Harley was a small man with a very large desk. He stood up to shake their hands when they came into his office. “Nice to see you both. Now there’s a few formalities I need to go through with you before we get to the actual reading of the will,” he began and started reeling off a load of stuff which Chloé didn’t quite grasp.

“Right, I’m sure you’re wondering just exactly what your Uncle John has left you,” he said at last and Chloé sat up with interest.

Tyler didn’t move. He had sat upright on his chair, listening intently to everything the attorney had been saying to them, although Chloé wondered if he really understood any of it, either.

“Chloé, congratulations, you are now the legal owner of Mile End Ranch,” Mr. Harley said at last. “Although the foreman’s cottage has been left to Tyler.”

She felt a surge of relief flood her body and she couldn’t help smiling.

Tyler’s expression didn’t change. His stoic demeanor was really beginning to rattle her.

She was pleased that he hadn’t got his hands on her uncle’s ranch, though. To be fair, he had been a family friend for many years and she was sure Uncle John wouldn’t have been able to manage without him. He was a good foreman, too. She guessed that was why Uncle John had given him the house. That was nice of him. He obviously expected Tyler to stay on in his current position – although she would have to have a think about that.

“Tyler, you have also been left all of the livestock on the Mile End Ranch except for a horse named ‘Thunder’. That horse has been left to Chloé by her Aunt Brenda, who arranged for her husband to keep it for her until such time as his demise.”

Chloé felt herself go hot. She stared at Mr. Harley and then at Tyler. Tyler looked surprised and bemused. She said nothing.