She smiled, her mouth watering. “Well, if there’s anything I can do to help you just have to say.”

He nodded. “There is, actually. Hurry up and get this place ready so we can get an early night. I don’t think I can wait too much longer for a repeat of this morning.”

He squeezed her as they laughed.

“Something smells good,” he said.

“The mince pies!” She rushed to the kitchen and pulled them out of the oven. They were the most gorgeous shade of brown, with mincemeat bubbling through the lattice of the pastry she had decorated them with.

“The look lovely,” Tyler said, peering around the kitchen door. “How many did you make?”

“Two dozen.” She placed them onto a cooling rack.

“We’ll need a lot more than that,” he said with a grin.

“Even you can’t eat that many,” she told him.

“We’re having guests, remember? I’m gonna have to share.” He rolled his eyes. “Why did I ever think that was a good idea?”

She giggled. “Maisie’s bringing some. She’s also bringing her Christmas cake and a load of other goodies.”

“I love that girl,” Tyler said, with a satisfied nod. “Did I ever tell you that?”

“Nope.” She switched off the oven. “But you did tell me how much you loved me.”

“And I do. In a totally different way,” he assured her, going over and putting his arms around her.

“Well that’s a relief. I wondered if perhaps I should tell Maisie she couldn’t come after all. I don’t want to have to fight her for my man.”

“You can’t possibly uninvite her now,” he said, feigning shock. “Not when she’s bringing the cake with her. She already told me how much booze she put in that thing.”

Chloé gawped at him in mock indignation.

“Besides,” Tyler went on, “I kind of like the idea of two girls fighting over me.” He let out a laugh, dodging out of the way as Chloé swiped his ass with her oven glove.

“Just you wait, Tyler Brannagh,” she teased.

He stopped short. “I’m sorry. Please don’t make me wait any longer than I have to.” He held his hands up in submission. “I didn’t mean it, I was only joking, really.”

“Well that’s good,” she conceded with a chuckle. “Especially as I haven’t forgotten about your underwear situation.”

“Me neither,” he said, with a look of dismay, “I wish I could.” He hissed with a pained expression.

“Let’s get that tree sorted out, then,” she suggested with a surreptitious smile. “The sooner we get this place ready the better.”

“I agree,” he said, leading the way back into the hall.

“Let me quickly vacuum before we put it in place,” she said as he went to pick up the tree. “And I’ll need to dust, too.

“I’ll help.”

They pulled out the festive ornaments that came out every year, and Chloé felt a lump form in her throat as she went through them. More Christmas tunes were played on the radio as they hung garlands from the ceiling and more decorations on the tree. Tyler went outside and picked some more holly which they placed around all the picture frames and along the top of the pelmets.

The fire crackled in the grate, surrounded by yet more greenery, and from nowhere it appeared, Tyler suddenly produced a sprig of mistletoe.

Chloé giggled as he held it over her head and pursed his lips expectantly. They enjoyed a lingering kiss, which only served to remind them that they’d promised each other that they wouldn’t make love again until the house was ready. Whose great idea was that?

While Tyler tidied away the ornament boxes, Chloé made some hot cocoa and re-heated the mince pies. She took them through to the sitting room and they sat on the hearth in front of the fire to enjoy them.