“It’s not much, but it’s enough.” He shrugged.

“I can’t believe you’ve done all this just for yourself. You must really love Christmas,” she said, following him into the tiny kitchen.

She frowned at the huge turkey which almost filled the whole table.

“Well, actually, I wasn’t planning to be on my own tomorrow,” he admitted. “I’ve invited Adam and his girlfriend over. It just wouldn’t feel like Christmas without a few friends about the place, don’t you think? And his girl’s pregnant so she shouldn’t be cooking.”

Chloé’s heart lifted. “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” she told him. “I hope they’ve got big appetites, too, as there’s enough here to feed much more than three people.”

He nodded. “You’re right,” he said. “That’s for the welcome stranger. You know, anyone else who might decide to drop in and join us on the day.”

“Like who?”

“Well, you, for instance.” He grinned.

“Were you hoping all along that I’d be home for Christmas?” She frowned.

“Where else would you be? You said it yourself, there’s no other place you’d want to be on the big day.”

“You do know me well,” she said, hugging him tightly.

She helped him pack up the turkey, tins of biscuits, fruit, vegetables and a load of other festive delights into some large shopping bags. He’d also bought baking ingredients, which he held up with a sheepish look. “I’m hoping you might be able to make use of these,” he said. “Otherwise I was going to give them to Maisie. I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with them.”

She giggled. “I can’t do a proper Christmas cake,” she admitted, “they take months of seeping in brandy and stuff to get their flavour, but I’m sure I can do something.”

“Hmm, Maisie did mention something about that when I got the stuff, actually, he said, thoughtfully.

As they hauled their load back to the ranch house, Chloé couldn’t stop thinking about her best friend. “Do you think Maisie and her dad might like to join us tomorrow?”

He smiled. “I think you should ask them.”

“I will.”

“Good. If they can make it I’ll go fetch them.” He looked up at the sky. “It doesn’t look like we’re due any more snow for a day or two, but her dad shouldn’t drive in this, all the same. It’s lucky that Adam’s just up the way there, or I’d be picking them up, too.”

They piled everything into the kitchen before Tyler went back for the tree. Chloé made up some mince pies which she popped in the oven before calling Maisie.

Her friend was delighted to hear from her, and thrilled to hear that she wasn’t planning to go back to Atlanta, after all.”

“I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow,” she said, as Tyler returned with the tree.

“I take it that was yes, then?” He beamed, his face red from the cold and as gorgeous as ever.

“Yep.” She jumped up and went into the hall to give him a hug. “Thank you so much. This is going to be the best Christmas ever.”

“I sure hope so,” he said.

“What’s that?” She frowned at a large holdall he’d plunked by the door.

“I hope you don’t mind, I brought over a few clothes, just in case I don’t get back home tonight.” He looked a little concerned.

“I thought you said we weren’t due any more snow – and even if we get snowed in it doesn’t mean you can’t walk home from here,” she teased.

“That wasn’t what was worrying me,” he said, a twinkle in his eye. “I just thought that it’s gonna take all night to get this place ready and I’m not planning to go commando again tomorrow.”

Her thoughts – as well as her eyes - immediately dropped to his pants. “Again? You mean you’re actually...?”

“Yep,” he said, adjusting himself with a wince. “And I’ve got the chafing to prove it.”