“Tyler.” She screamed as her climax overtook her, screwing her eyes tightly shut, seeing colors swirl in front of them while elation pulsed through her.

He came with an unbridled roar which elevated her own passion and she held him tighter to her, feeling his heart hammer into hers; two souls becoming one.


Chloé remembered Tyler slumping onto the bed next to her, and pulling her into his arms, but after that she must have fallen asleep. She heard water running before she opened her eyes and realized she was alone.

Tyler emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, a towel wrapped around his waist and a huge smile covering his face. “Sorry if I tired you out, baby.”

He came over to the bed and planted a big kiss on her lips before she could speak, his wet hair dripping onto her. “I hope you don’t mind, I took a quick shower. Kind of felt the need to cool down.” He winked at her salaciously and she giggled.

“I could use one, too,” she admitted, sitting up.

“I meant what I said; I do love you,” he assured her, kissing her cheek.

“I know,” she said, mimicking him from earlier. Then she giggled again. “I love you, too.” She reached up, pulled his face down to hers and kissed him on the lips.

He chortled once his mouth was freed, and she got off the bed.

“I’ll make some coffee,” he called to her as she quickly made her way out the door. For some reason she felt shy letting him see her naked, despite what they’d just done.

“Good idea.” She climbed into the shower, welcoming the hot water that streamed down her body. As her hands cleansed her skin, she recalled the feeling of Tyler’s hands roaming up and down her, grazing her deliciously with his rough fingers.

It felt as though her whole body glowed with euphoric pleasure, and she hummed to herself as she got ready.

“Here you go.” Tyler beamed at her as she joined him in the kitchen, and he handed her a large mug of coffee. He’d put the old radio on and a Christmas song was playing.

She gawped at him in realization. “It’s Christmas Eve.”

“It sure is. At least, for the next half a day.”

She looked around the stark room. “But I’m not ready. I’ve got nothing in – the decorations aren’t even up yet.” Panic-stricken, her mind whirled.

“Well that’s okay. You can always come over to my place. I’ve got a tree up and everything.”

She shook her head. “But... it wouldn’t feel right.” She suddenly felt sad. “I always spend Christmas here. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” A lump formed in the back of her throat.

Tyler walked over to her, smiling softly. “Then we’ll have Christmas here. I’ll just go fetch it.”

She gasped in disbelief. “But you can’t just fetch Christmas. It’s something that just has to be here.” Her face became hot as she tried to hold back tears.

He chuckled. “I meant the tree,” he said, kindly. “I’ll bring it over. But you’re right about Christmas being here. And it is. It’s in the very fabric of this house. All the love and laughter is still here. Always will be. Nothing’ll ever change that, whatever else happens.” He took her in his arms, his warm body enveloping hers.

“And so much has happened,” she said with a sigh.

“Yes it has.” He looked down at her. “And things will keep on happening. New memories will fill this place to add to the old ones. Maybe new people, too.”

She smiled. “I like the sound of that.” The lump in her throat began to dissolve.

“So how about we get started on this Christmas, huh?” He grinned. “As I remember it there was always a smell of baking going on – cinnamon and ginger, if memory serves.”

She shook her head. “I haven’t got anything in.”

“Well then it’s a good thing I have. Come on, you can help me fetch it across.”

She took another large sip of her drink and then pulled on her boots and coat. He held her hand as they trudged through the slushy snow to the small cottage. They hadn’t had another downfall since late last night, and it was already starting to thaw in places.

“This is lovely,” she said when they got inside to see the whole place decorated with fresh holly and ivy. A large tree stood in one corner, dominating the sitting room, adorned with cinnamon sticks tied with ribbon, and strands of ivy trailing from the branches.