Bill shrugged. “What does it matter whose money you take? The place is a dump. Who’d want to live here?” He indicated the room with a flippant wave of his arm again. “

“Me,” she said quickly.

He gawped at her as though she was mad. “What? Why?” He looked dumbfounded.

“Because it’s my home and I love it,” she told him, decisively. “My aunt and uncle loved it, too, and wanted me to have it. I’m not just going to give it away – especially not to a liar like you.” Her voice rose and she pointed at him. “Get out of my house, Bill Simmons and don’t ever come back. You’re not welcome around here.”

“After all I’ve done for you.” He yelled indignantly.

“Yep. After you’ve lied about me to Tyler,” she shouted back, placing her hands on her hips. “You ruined everything that night. Every chance we had of happiness. Well you’re not getting a second chance, asshole. Get out now. I want you off my land.”

* * * *

Chloé’s heart was hammering as she threw Bill out and slammed the door behind him. She turned back to Tyler, who was leaning casually against the kitchen doorframe, watching her.

“Well done, baby. I’m proud of you.” His smile was enough to make her go weak at the knees and he held his arms out invitingly.

She snuggled into his embrace, inhaling his cologne and delighting in the security his strong body offered her. He looked down at her, his lips getting closer until they enveloped hers in a lingering kiss that she felt right down to her groin. His tongue invaded her mouth and she welcomed it, like she’d always known she would.

“I love you,” he told her in a husky whisper when he finally freed her mouth. “I always have.”

“Oh Tyler, I love you too.” She sighed. “I missed you so much.”

Their kiss was even more passionate this time and she felt his hard body against hers, his erection apparent through the denim of their jeans. Chloé’s skin tingled and her panties became wetter. She wanted him; she had for a long time. But something was still niggling in the back of her mind. Why hadn’t she been the most important thing to him that night? It was her graduation night and everything seemed so perfect – except the way he appeared to feel about her.

“Stop thinking,” he murmured between kisses.

He really can read minds. “You know me too well,” she told him with a snigger.

He gently pulled away from her. “You wanna talk?”

She bit her lip. “No, but I think we need to.”

They went through to the lounge where Tyler quickly lit the fire.

“I was expecting to go straight out,” she explained, shivering slightly.

“Without saying goodbye?”

Her stomach burned at the hurt look he gave her. She shook her head. “Not this time.”

“That’s good.” He looked relieved.

They sat on the sofa, facing each other.

Tyler took a deep breath. “I guess you wanna know what was so important that it made me late to dinner that night, huh?”

She nodded. “You’re a mind-reader.”

He shrugged. “Like you said, I just know you too well.”

She watched him expectantly.

“Baby, I’m sorry, but it’s not a pretty story. I know it’ll upset you.”

She suddenly felt sick, wondering if he was about to tell her he had a girlfriend.

“Just say it.”