Chloé felt like crying all over again. The bank manager had been very optimistic about Tyler’s ability to keep the ranch running, but there was no way he could pay her for the land, despite his claims that he’d manage. Besides, it wouldn’t feel right charging him.

She was mulling it over in the kitchen when a knock at the door startled her. Was there a problem with the horses? She rushed to the door and pulled it open, fully expecting to see Tyler, but it wasn’t him.

“Evening sweetheart.” It was Bill. “Thought you might like to join me for some beef stew. It’s just finished cooking, so we can eat straight away if you’re hungry?” He held a large pot up to her and she gaped at him, her heart pumping hard. He frowned. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes... yes, of course.” She came to her senses and stood back to let him in.

Bill needed no invitation; he brushed past her and headed straight for the kitchen. He was already fetching dishes from the cupboard when she joined him. Then he rattled about in a drawer to find a serving spoon and plated up the supper.

“You wanna eat in here or by the fire?” he asked.

It made sense to sit in the warmth, but she was concerned that he would make himself too comfortable if they did so she settled for the kitchen table.

“What did the bank manager say?” Bill wasted no time in cutting to the chase; they’d barely sat down.

“This smells delicious,” she said, picking up a fork. “Did you make it yourself?”

He frowned, clearly thrown. “Um... yeah.”

“It’s very kind of you, Bill, but you really don’t need to bring me food every night. I’ve actually been shopping today and stocked up.”

He gaped at her. “Stocked up? So... did it go well at the bank?”

She could see his concern. “Yes, it went quite well, actually.” She took another bite of beef. “This is lovely, by the way.”

Bill huffed. “Did he advise you to sell up?”

“No, he didn’t,” she said.

“What? He told you to rent the land out to Brannagh? The man’s a dumbass.” His lips tightened and he put his fork down in disgust.

“No, he didn’t actually say that.” She was enjoying making him sweat. “He just explained what my options were and told me I needed to make up my own mind.”

Bill swiped a hand through his short hair. “Good. He’s right. It’s your decision.”


“And you’re a businesswoman so, of course, you can weigh up the pros and cons. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the best option.” He picked up his fork and resumed his meal.

She said nothing, but continued to eat. The stew really was tasty and she was impressed that he had made it himself. Who knew he was such a good cook?

“So, what are your thoughts?” He was nothing if not tenacious.

“I’m not sure yet,” she admitted. “He thinks the ranch is making good money and should continue to do so if we keep going as we are.”

“But for you to rent the land to Brannagh is gonna cause you one big headache while you’re over in Atlanta.” He looked thoughtful. “I suppose I could become your manager, take care of the payments from Brannagh – or whoever else gets the land – and rent out this place at the same time. It makes sense as I’m right here.”

She stared at him, stunned. “I hadn’t even considered that.”

“Well you should. It’s a good job you’ve got me to advise you. I know it’s a hard time for you right now, but these things have to be dealt with straight away. You could sign the place over to me as your financial advisor and manager, and just forget about it. You’d get a healthy check every month and you can get on with your life. I think you’ll agree it’s the best solution, unless you want to just sell up and be done with it.” He seemed to have it all worked out.

“I don’t know if I want to let go of it all, though,” she admitted. “I mean, this is my home; where I grew up. It’s full of happy memories of my aunt and uncle and all the fun we had. I’d feel like I was turning my back on all that if I just sell up, or even just hand it over to you.” She pursed her lips.

“You’re getting sentimental again,” he said, with a condescending shake of the head. “It’s good to keep your memories in your head, but not in bricks and mortar. Besides, not all your memories of this place are good, are they? You have to remember the reason you left in the first place. That bastard made a complete fool of you, sweetheart. Everyone knows it. If you rent the land out to him you’re just making his life easy – is that what you want? Is that what he deserves after everything he put you through?” He frowned at her incredulously. “Brannagh made your life hell – that’s what you need to remember.”

That lump settled in her stomach for the umpteenth time today. She recalled how she’d felt being left stranded in the pouring rain outside the restaurant. Then how she’d discovered Lightning had died. Tyler had no right to dispose of her body before she’d even had chance to say goodbye. And now she was contemplating letting him rent her land and look after her other horse?

“Did you get an idea how much the land is worth?” Bill was studying her closely.