She nodded, her mind whirring. She hadn’t even thought of that. The weather hit hard in these parts, especially at this time of year. Even if she could drive down the mountain – which she dreaded even thinking about – chances were the roads between here and the big city would be impassable in places. She’d more likely spend Christmas shivering to death in her car at the side of a snowdrift, or holed up in some pokey motel where she would be charged the earth because of the time of year.

“I haven’t decided yet.” She tried to sound nonchalant, and was aggravated to hear him snort in response.

“Well I suggest you make your mind up quick-smart about that, ’cause this weather ain’t gonna improve until well into the New Year.” He looked up at the gray sky to make his point. Thick flakes were tumbling out of the heavens, showing no sign of abatement. “We’d best get back up the mountain before we’re stuck down here for good,” he added with a frown. “You got everything you need?”

She realized with a start that she hadn’t actually got anything she would need. The freezer was empty and there was no food in the cupboards. “Have we got time for the shop?”

Tyler rolled his eyes, but accompanied her to the super mart. There was a limited choice, but Chloé wasn’t bothered about that. She scooped up a pile of tins and some fresh bread and milk into her basket. As there was only her, it didn’t matter if she spent the next few days living off sandwiches and canned soup.

Tyler looked disparagingly at her groceries when she placed them on the counter in front of Maisie, who was thrilled to see her friend again. “Is that all you’re getting?”

Maisie giggled. “Not planning a party or anything, then?” she asked. Then her face fell. “Oh, I’m so sorry, sweetie. That was a stupid thing to say.” She hurried around the side of the counter and gave her friend a huge hug. “I didn’t think.”

“It’s fine,” Chloé assured her. “I don’t need people treading on eggshells around me. And you’re right; I’m not exactly planning on having guests.” She giggled, trying to reassure her friend that it was okay.

“Oh, but you can’t be all on your own for Christmas.” Maisie looked horrified.

Chloé shook her head. “Christmas is still a couple of days away,” she reminded her. “I haven’t planned anything yet.”

“Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve,” Maisie pointed out, wide-eyed.

“She’s hoping to go home to Atlanta,” Tyler piped up.

“Really? You’re not staying? I was hoping we could spend some time together, have a good catch up. I haven’t seen you for nearly a year and now you’re not sticking around?” Maisie looked ready to cry.

Chloé narrowed her eyes at Tyler, who shrugged innocently back.

“I haven’t decided anything yet,” she told Maisie, giving her a squeeze.

Maisie didn’t look convinced as she finished tallying up the shopping and stuffed it all into a couple of bags for her. “I guess you must really love Atlanta.”

“Not really.” Chloé felt that lump in her stomach get even bigger, and fumed at Tyler for opening his mouth.

They left the shop in an awkward silence.

“Let’s see if we can make it home,” he said, when they reached the truck.

Chloé shook her head. If anyone could tackle Mile End Mountain in thick snow, it was Tyler Brannagh. She was just glad she wasn’t driving herself.

“You didn’t have to upset Maisie,” she pointed out as they began the steep ascent.

“I didn’t. You did, as I recall.” He was watching the road in front, concentrating hard.

“I didn’t say anything,” she told him, “it was you. Why would you do that? Is it because she’s my friend?”

He glanced over at her and she realized he was frowning hard. Thick snow covered the mountain and it was nearly impossible to decipher where the track was. No vehicles had passed that way since the deluge, and it was difficult to see as the wind blew the fresh snow toward them.

“Don’t be stupid,” he said, before turning his attention back to his driving.”Why would you think that?”

“Because you clearly don’t approve of me having any friends,” she said, not sure that she wanted to have this conversation while he handled such an arduous task.

He tutted, but said nothing.

Chloé felt it best to say nothing, too, given the circumstances, so they continued the journey in silence.

There were no other vehicles around, thank goodness, and Chloé wondered at one point if they were ever going to make it home. Tyler was a good driver, though, and managed to negotiate his way around the worst of the snow.

He looked as relieved as she was when they finally pulled up outside her house.