Page 142 of Bossy Romance

Two hours later, Adam was at my door with a sullen Rowan, a downtrodden Lula and a lunch bag with wheat pancakes, turkey bacon and coffee. He made me eat every bite, insisting that he didn’t want to see me fainting again.

I glance down at the third part of our trio. While Adam is holding tightly to my hand, Rowan is holding tightly to his. The little boy has dark circles under his eyes. His skin is so pale his freckles stand out.

I think Rowan hates hospitals as much as I do.

We turn the bend and enter the hospice ward. The smell of lemon-scented cleaner is extra heavy here, but even that can’t purge the scent of death and despair. It clings to the hallways, rolling like dark smoke beneath our feet.

Adam doesn’t seem scared at all. While both Rowan and I slow our pace, he finds the right room and marches straight in.

I’m surprised by how many beds are in here. I’m even more shocked by how all those beds are full. Patients in hospital gowns turn and stare at us. Rowan hides behind his dad, shuffling nervously.

The kid banged on a stranger’s door and confidently served them a ‘dad notice’.

He barged into Sunny Hastings’ farmhouse and made friends with all the other children.

But at the thought of seeing his dying mom he’s cowering.

The fact that he’s fearful now tells me how overwhelmed he is by this moment.

Adam stops in front of a frail woman with a scarf on her head. Even in this state, clearly ravaged by sickness and hopelessness, she’s a stunner. Her cheekbones are fine, her eyes a beguiling grey, and her lips full.

“Adam,” she says his name like it’s a holy prayer.

I slide my hand out of Adam’s. He gives me a quick glance, but I nudge my chin at Alexa.

Adam frowns as he turns to the patient on the bed.

Alexa isn’t looking at him anymore though. Her eyes are on her son. “Rowan.” She extends both hands.

Rowan shuffles out from behind his dad, moves sluggishly towards his mother and then throws his arms around her.

The two hug and rock.

I feel my throat clogging up, but it’s not from tears. It’s because the chemical cleaners they use are so strong.


That’s why.

“I missed you so much,” Alexa says, rubbing his back. She glances at me and smiles. “Hello.”


“You must be Nova Delaney.” Her eyes slide over me and jump back to my face. “You’re prettier than all those pictures on the Vision Tech website.”

I dip my head.

She waves at Adam and laughs. It’s a bright sound. If I closed my eyes, I could picture a woman full of life, not the one who’s barely clinging on in front of me.

“Come on, Adam. Stop frowning. You’re not at my funeral yet.”

Rowan flinches. “Mom.”

“I know.” Her smile wavers, but she pins it up bravely. “I know. I should have told you. Both of you. But can you blame me? This isn’t exactly the place for a pseudo-family reunion.”

Adam’s jaw flexes. “I’m going to get you a private room.”

“Adam, don’t bother.”