Page 133 of Bossy Romance

We have lunch at the diner that we’d stumbled on during a business meeting. I clean Nova’s mouth with my thumb and she holds my hand as we stroll to find a gift for Rowan. We settle on an easel and paint set and take it back on the plane with us.

On the way, Nova rests her head on my shoulder and takes a nap. I press my lips to her temple, marveling at how different our last plane ride was from this one.

That time, we went with Dejonae and Sazuki. It was torture watching Sazuki and his girlfriend be all lovey-dovey when I couldn’t even touch Nova.

Now, I slide my fingers over her face and enjoy that I can touch her as much as I want.

In the pick-up truck later, Nova gives me a tired smile. “That was amazing.”

“Hold on. It’s not over yet.”

“Adam, what could you possibly do to top the stationary emporium?”

“And Paris?”

“And Paris,” she adds as an afterthought.

I laugh. Can this woman be any more endearing? I have no idea why people think Nova is ‘scary’. She’s a sweetheart and a cutie and my girl.

My woman.

Mine, mine, mine.

I stop the car in front of the manor and climb out in anticipation.

Just then, my phone buzzes.

I pluck it out of my pocket and check the screen.

It’s a message from Clay Bolton.

My blood turns to ice when I scan the text.

It’s an address.

And then three brutal words.

I found her.




I noticeAdam stop to check his phone and a strange expression takes over his face. He quickly shoves the phone in his pocket and rounds the car with a somber frown.

My executive assistant senses are ringing off the hook.

After years of working beside Adam, I’ve learned how to read every muscle tick in his face. Right now, the muscles are all pulling taut and pointing to one thing—trouble.

“Is something wrong?” I ask, sliding out of the car by myself and touching his arm.

“No.” He forces a grin.

It would be convincing to anyone else, but I know him too well. When Adam’s really happy, like sunshine-bursting-in-his-soul happy, he gets a crinkle right above his nose.

Right now, his smile is sans-crinkle.