Page 59 of Bossy Romance

I hear something rumbling in the background.

“Oh, Sazuki’s here. I’ll put you on speaker, Adam.”

“Morning,” I greet him.

The famous musician grunts in response.

Always a conversationalist, that guy.

Dejonae takes over. “Your text mentioned you needed a stylist?”

“Yeah.” I look back at Nova again. “No cap on the budget. I just want someone good.”

“Is this for Nova?” Dejonae pries.

I hesitate.

“Did she stay over?” Dejonae presses. “Are you two finally together?”

“What? No,” I sputter.

“Well, that sucks.”

Sazuki grunts again. I can’t tell if that’s a good grunt or a bad one.

“She slept on the couch.” I don’t know why I’m telling them that, but the words come pouring out. “She’s been working hard lately and I want her to get an extra hour of sleep, but I know she’ll freak out when she wakes up. Especially if she has to go home, shower, and get changed. I figured, if she got ready here, she could rest for a while longer and then go straight to work.”

“Isn’t that romantic?”

“Why is that romantic?” Sazuki asks darkly. “It’s just a change of clothes.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” she fires back.

“You find the strangest things romantic,” Sazuki mutters.

Dejonae laughs. “Adam?”

“I’m here.”

“You don’t have to worry about hiring a stylist. I’ll do it.”

“No, I couldn’t ask you.”

“It’s fine. You know my sister’s a model, right? I picked up on some things just by hanging around her.”

I squint into the distance. I faintly remember Sazuki mentioning that Dejonae’s sister worked in fashion.

Still, I resist. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

“Adam, why ask a random stranger, who’s never met Nova before, when I could help? I’ve got a good sense of her measurements and I know her style. I’m confident I can do a good job.”

“Just let her do it, Adam,” Sazuki says. “Or she’ll pout all day.”

“I willnot. Stop talking nonsense.” The thudding that follows tells me Sazuki got a punishment for his teasing.

I hear his low laughter and figure he’s not too hurt by it.

“Alright. If you really don’t mind.”