Page 110 of Bossy Romance

His laughter dies immediately. “Yeah.”

“How is she?”

“She’s okay.”

“Is she coming for a visit any time soon?”

“Why?” Rowan grows sullen. “Does Adam want to get rid of me?”

“What? No, of course not.”

Rowan scoots out of the chair and grabs the tray of grapes. “I’ll take these back.”

“Okay,” I croak, watching him. He’s got his head down and he’s shuffling like all the burdens he’d been freed from came barreling back.

What did I say?

There’s a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it,” Rowan says.

“No, it’s okay. I’ve got it.” Feeling bad and not sure why, I push off the couch and limp to the door.

I check the peephole.

Adam’s on the other side and he’s got a whole bunch of groceries in his hands.

I open the door and he slants me a scolding look. “Nova, why are you on your feet?”

“Why did you buy the entire produce section?” I gesture to the leaves hanging out of the canvas bag.

Adam juts his chin at the couch.

I limp back to the sofa. After the sports event, Adam wanted me to move into his manor so he could take care of me. I rejected him because I have a great sense of self-preservation.

Since I almost kissed my boss in the medic tent like a crazy person, I was determined to keep my distance.

Unfortunately, Adam decided that he would take care of me atmyplace.

Hence my eleven year old babysitter.

And the Amazon jungle that’s currently growing out of Adam’s grocery bags.

“Rowan!” Adam yells. “You’re supposed to be watching the patient.”

“Iwaswatching her!”

“So why did Nova open the door on her feet that she’s not supposed to be on for the next twenty-four hours?”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s not a good answer, young man. I left you in charge.”

“You can’t leave an eleven year old in charge of an adult,” I argue.

Adam slants me a dark look. “Don’t defend him.” He sets the groceries down and points a finger at Rowan. “Remember our agreement. You take care of Nova in exchange for that TenTwo merch you keep begging for.”

“I fed her grapes,” Rowan defends himself, his voice climbing to a high pitch. He seems slightly panicked by the thought of getting ousted from the deal.