Page 109 of Bossy Romance

“I’m just the guy who takes out her trash,” I say simply.

His eyes bulge with anger. Then they widen in recognition.

He laughs humorlessly. “Wait. AreyouHarrison?”

Nova looks nervous but, when she speaks, her words escape on a hiss, “I’m serious, Jax. I’m going to call security if you don’t leave now.”

“Oh, I see.” Jax looks me up and down with his beady eyes. “Thisis the reason you wouldn’t sleep with—”

I only see a blur of grey swooping in my peripheral vision. Then Nova’s crutches land a solid blow to Jax’s jaw. His head snaps to the left and I swear I can see cartoon stars dancing around his head.

The crowd makes an ‘ooh’ sound.

Someone behind me snickers.

The jazz band, in an ironic twist, starts playing Michael Jackson’sAnother One Bites The Dust.

I drag my shocked gaze from Jax to Nova who’s down a crutch and looks like she wouldn’t mind the other meeting a similar fate.

“Don’t make me ask you again, Jax,” she hisses. “Get out of here.Now.”




“Your grapes, my lady.”A platter of green, seedless grapes appears on a golden tray before me.

“What’s with the accent?” I pluck one of the grapes from the stems.

Rowan shrugs. “Aren’t butlers always British?”

I snort. “I don’t think so.”

He tilts his head, thinking about it. “Alfred was British.”

“Who’s Alfred?”

“From Batman.”

“Should have known.” I pluck one of the grapes and pop it into my mouth. “My butler references are fromThe Fresh Prince.”

His eyebrows cinch together. “Is that a cartoon?”

I groan. “Rowan, you have so much to learn.” I reach for another grape. “Want one?”

He tilts his head back, opens his mouth and indicates that I should toss it in.

I end up smacking him in the forehead.

Gasping and trying not to laugh at the same time is difficult. I flutter my hands. “Rowan, are you okay?”

“Yeah.” He giggles.

I love watching his brown eyes light up. Rowan’s really starting to loosen up and show more of his personality. Finding his ‘thing’ with digital painting obviously helped, but I sense that it goes deeper than that. It’s almost like there’s a burden off his back these days.

“Have you talked to your mom lately?” I ask, munching on a grape.