Page 103 of Bossy Romance

A moment later, the ladies receive their meals and retreat to a table across the room.

One of the perks of being an undercover boss is blending in and hearing how the employees really feel.

I turn over their words. On the one hand, my pride is shot from being called ‘annoying’. On the other, I’m glad that Rochelle and the others hold Nova in such high regard. She might be their boss, but it’s clear that she has their admiration and respect.

Adjusting my hat, I rise from the table and head to the exits.

Maybe they’re right. Maybe Nova needs her space.

I’ll let her get away with avoiding me for now.

But as soon as the sports event is over, I’m cornering her.

Nova can run all she wants.

As long as she knows I’ll always be right behind her.

* * *

Henry’s behind her.

Well, technically, Henry’sbesideNova as they do a walk-hop-stumble combo down the track for the three-legged race.

I’m sitting on the bleachers high up in the VIP perch and glaring angrily, which isn’t doing much other than giving me a headache.

Nova arranged for all the directors to have VIP seats at the sports event. Roberts, the financial director, is beside me, muttering about how Henry lacks hand-eye coordination and, for once, I totally agree with the man.

Roars break out from the crowd as Rochelle and another girl from the HR team pull ahead. I glance at the sea of familiar faces filling the benches and crowding the track.

I’m surprised by how much of the company showed up. Most of the games for the adult age ranges seem to be filled with Vision Tech employees. It’s like everyone was chomping at the bit to do something different on a Friday morning rather than sit in their labs and cubicles.

I should have known this event would have been a PR stuntandan opportunity to raise morale. Nova has the ability to turn my regular old ideas into something bigger and better than I originally intended.

Sometimes, I can’t decide if I’m more drawn to her face or her brilliance.

My eyes catch on Nova laughing as she and Henry try to keep up with Rochelle.

It’s her face. Definitely her face.

I’m charmed by the curve of her smile, the bright flash of her brown eyes and the dark tones of her skin.

And I hate…



The fact that another man has his arms around her.

My heart thuds at the way Henry closes his fingers over Nova’s hip. I want to charge down there and bat him away like a fly swatter.Hands off, man.

Instead, I have to sit in my place and take my anger out on the chair I’m gripping while Roberts sits beside me, hurling curses at Henry and reminding me yet again that I amnotthe only man at Vision Tech with eyes on Nova Delaney.

The contestants are getting close to the finish line.

Everyone is cheering and waving their pompoms. The strings are blue and silver, Vision Tech colors.

It’s annoying how Nova thinks of everything.