Page 1 of Bossy Romance




“You should drink something.”A bottle of water magically appears in front of me.

“Should you be back here right now? It’s almost time for your presentation.”

Tan knuckles rap against the table. “No arguing. You’ve been on your feet for three hours straight and I haven’t seen you take a sip of anything. I’m not moving from here until you hydrate, darlin’.”

I roll my eyes—privately—before grabbing the water and glancing up at my boss, Adam Harrison.

‘Drop-dead gorgeous’ is a phrase that’s been thrown around to describe him, so I feel comfortable using the term.

Objectively, of course.

Adam is tall, with broad shoulders, big brown eyes, a chiseled jawline, dark hair that’s a little curly, and a warm smile that’s never far from his face. As usual, he’s wearing a tight T-shirt with his pecs straining against the cotton. Jeans and his favorite cowboy boots complete the look.

His vivid brown eyes find mine and linger, waiting until I’ve finished with the water before he takes it and returns the cap.

He’s been working hard lately. I can tell by the dark circles under his eyes. Even looking a little more tired than usual, he’s still every bit the hunky country boy-next-door.

Realizing that I’m staring, I avert my gaze and try to get my thoughts back in order.

Adam grabs a napkin and swipes it against my bottom lip. “So messy.”

My heart does a little pitter-patter.

I move my head back. “You should be out front.”

“In a minute.” Adam sits on the edge of the table, his back muscles rolling like well-oiled drums. The light from the stage creeps into the private room, throwing his profile into shadows.

“You okay?” I ask.

“I’m trying to dial back on my excitement. If I go on a tangent, that won’t be good for anyone.”

“Just do what we practiced. You’ll be fine.”

“That’s a given.” He leans toward me and cocks his head to the side. “You’re way more intimidating than any of those judges.”

He smiles and I…

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I keep getting shocked by how attractive my boss is.

I never used to notice. At least, not in a way that I’d find distracting.

Of course I’ve alwaysknownAdam Harrison was gorgeous.

Based on social cues alone, it was pretty cut-and-dry. Women batting their lashes, hands clinging to his biceps, voices turning high-pitched and giggling—there’s so much giggling whenever Adam opens his mouth.

Again. Understandable. That Southern drawl of his is more dangerous than a snake charmer.

I know my boss is gorgeous.


But it’s been bothering me how that knowledge keeps affecting me more and more.