I know that look. Someone is bloodthirsty.

“Time to put those seductive moves to work.” He winks and pulls away, sitting back like he’s waiting for the show to begin.

If I imagine it’s just me and him in here, I can do this. I’ve stripped naked in front of hundreds of men, one more isn’t getting me killed. Just the unlucky gang member.

“Oh God. It’s so hot in here,” I say loudly and breathlessly. The gang member glances at me, raising a brow when he sees me staring at him. I squirm in place, tilting my head to the side and back so he can see the sweat dripping down my neck and into my shirt. “Tey. Can you take my bra off? I’m going to have a heatstroke.” I turn to Tey, winking at him as I arch my back and pout.

“Sorry. My hand is chained. Can’t help you, but maybe he can?” Tey shrugs and glances away, like he’s disinterested in the whole matter.

“Please? My bra is getting wet with the sweat dripping down between my boobs, and I need air to cool off,” I whine while turning towards the gang member, looking up at him from under my lashes.

“Yeah, bitch. I can do that.” He grins cockily and swaggers over to me with heat in his eyes as he stares down at my heaving breasts.


He kneels in front of me and reaches behind me, his fingers fumbling with the clasp. Before he can unhook one, Tey quickly leans back and wraps his strong calves around the guy’s neck. I act without thinking, moving just as fast to get my legs around his waist to hold him still and trapping his arms. Tey grunts and shifts his legs so fast that I almost miss it, but the loud crack of bone snapping sends a shiver down my spine.

I stare at the gang member, releasing him the instant he dies, then look over at Tey to see him grinning proudly from snapping someone’s neck like a twig.

“You scare me sometimes, you know that?” I mutter and shake my head, but I can’t help it when my lips stretch into a smile as he blows a kiss at me.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way, baby. Be a doll and hand me that gun on his hip.” He jerks his chin to the gun tucked into the gang member’s pants. Pulling it out, I wordlessly hand it over to Tey and watch as he points the barrel at the chain wrapped around the pole. “Look away,” he warns before firing the shot just as I turn my head. My ears ring from how close the gunshot was. Tey quickly stands up, the cuff of the chain still wrapped around his wrist, but at least he’s not chained to the pole anymore. “Your turn.” He stands next to my shoulder and presses my head into his thigh to muffle the sound of the gun. The moment my wrist is free, it drops into my lap, numb from being held up for so long. I stand on shaking legs and grip Tey’s bicep, feeling like I need a bath and a long nap. “Let’s get out of here. If my guess is correct, the guys are here and they won’t be leaving without us.” Tey wraps an arm around my waist and leads me to the door with a slight limp in his step.

“Wait. You guess? How do you not know if we’re walking to our deaths?” I look up at him with a frown, hating seeing his bruised face.

“Life is always a guess and every footstep you take forward eventually leads to your death,” he states matter-of-factly with a shrug before looking around the doorway real quick, glancing both ways to make sure the coast is clear.

“You're so full of shit, but for some reason, that makes me feel better.” I roll my eyes and stick to his side like glue as we step out into a hallway leading to stairs that go up.

“I’m all about the feels, my sweet cherry pie.” He places a chaste kiss on the side of my forehead as we quietly walk up the stairs, the smell of food getting stronger and music with the sound of voices rising.

“This may not be the epic death you hoped for like the Titanic, but it could be a dramatic, bloody shoot-out. Till death do us part?” I whisper into his ear, smirking as he shivers.

“Fuck. Guess I have to live since you just, ya know, married us. I do, by the way.” He chuckles darkly and tightens his fingers on my hip just as we bust through the door at the top of the stairs without any warning.

It would seem we stumbled into a party. Well, it's more like Logan pointing his gun at Cruz, who just stands there doing nothing as if it doesn’t bother him that he has a gun held to his head. It doesn't. Sociopaths don’t care about death, they feel nothing. Carlos is glancing around, probably looking for a way out, like the coward he is, and then there’s Jin, who’s calmly sitting at a table and watching everything unfold with a hint of glee in his eyes.

I hope he’s the first to get shot.


“How much longer?” I grip the steering wheel, taking a deep breath to stay calm, but it’s not helping.

For the first time ever, I have this rising panic, a thick weight in my chest, thinking that we aren’t going to get there in time. What if we’re too late? What if we walk into Loco and both of them are already dead?

Fuck. I feel my harsh breath rushing faster and faster out of my mouth as my thoughts swirl. I place my gun on my lap before I end up shooting one of us by pulling the trigger accidentally while driving like a maniac.

“Turn left. Two minutes out,” Nicky says in a robotic voice, but I can hear the tightness in his tone.

He’s not doing so good either. We all aren’t.

I press my foot down harder on the gas pedal and turn sharply left, shifting the sticky gear shift to speed up. I don’t even care that Tillie and Tey’s cum is on my hand, or her blood. I just want them back. Nicky slams his computer shut, throwing it in the backseat without caring where it lands, and opens the glove compartment to hand me a gun while he takes one for himself.

“I messaged Jin. He’s already there. Apparently, he was in the neighborhood.” Nicky shifts his gaze towards me, our eyes communicating to not say what we’re really thinking out loud.

We need to check all the cars and our houses for bugs. There's no way Jin just happened to be in the east side neighborhood. He’s either listening in or having someone watching us. Fuck. I quickly change the subject just in case.

“Are you sure she knows about Paris?” I grind my teeth together, knowing she’s going to jump to conclusions and not trust a damn word out of my mouth.