Just that one name and Logan blanches.
Yeah. We’re in deep shit.
Nothing like an angry woman to make you fear for your life.
My cheekbones hurt as Cruz squeezes them between his thumb and index fingers hard enough that my teeth and gums start to ache.
“It seems someone forgot their obedience lessons, haven’t we? Don’t worry, that will be fixed in no time.” Cruz leans in closer, his gaze holding mine as he slowly starts to smile.
It’s a smile that’s not quite right. Crooked and practiced, like he really doesn’t know how to feel any sense of happiness but enjoys my fear so much that some part of him deep inside is genuinely happy. I can’t help shrinking away from him in fear, it’s instinct. I hate that, letting him see that I’m still afraid. Seeing Tey out of the corner of my eye, his whole body vibrating with rage helps me steel my spine. I don’t need to be scared of Cruz, he’s just a man. Nothing more. I keep repeating that in my head until I stop shaking.
“You’ll never have a piece of me again, Cruz. I’d rather die.” I whip my head to the side, breaking his hold on my face.
“Hmm. You have changed. So fierce, pretending to be brave, but how brave will you be if I start hacking your boyfriend over here in pieces? How long will it take until you start begging for his life and give me what I want?” Cruz stands up, staring at me for a second before stepping in front of Tey.
Cold fear settles in my gut. I’ll take any beating, look death in the eye without regret, but if he harms the men I love… I will just become a shell of myself.
“Bring it on, you mother trucker! I’m going to cut off your thumbs and shove them up your butthole. Rip off that pathetic dick and make it into a puppet before putting on a show for you as you slowly bleed to death,” Tey says venomously, spitting at Cruz’s dirty boots.
“I see. Death isn’t a fear for you. What if I shove my dick in Tillie’s ass while you watch? Her screams ringing in your ears for days as I take her again and again?” Cruz shakes his head and dismisses Tey, turning his back to him without a care in the world as Tey's icy-blue eyes drill holes in the back of his head with murderous intent.
My chest grows tight, but I try not to show any reaction as Cruz stares me down with his head tilted, the devious thoughts showing on his face the longer he looks at me.
He suddenly crouches in front of me and grasps my ankles, spreading my legs. I instantly start to fight back, kicking any body part of his I can reach. It’s useless though as he kneels on my calves and grabs hold of the fist that isn’t chained up when I started to swing at him.
“Last time you just laid there as your body was used again and again. Cried and screamed in pain. Have to say, you fighting back just gets me more excited.” Cruz trails his hand up my inner thigh and pinches me so hard when I try to squeeze my legs closed.
“Don’t give him what he wants, Tillie. Keep fighting. It just shows that you will never want him,” Tey’s voice is raspy and low, almost like he’s choking. “How does that feel, Cruz, knowing she’ll never want you? She spreads her legs wide open for me, like a flower blooming, begging for it.”
What is he doing?! Cruz is going to kill Tey for taunting him. I can’t take my gaze off Cruz with wide eyes, cringing as he slowly looks over at Tey with eyes full of such hate and rage.
“Shut up! Shut up!” Cruz hops off me and pulls out the knife that carved me up years ago.
He steps in Tey’s direction with the knife raised but stops when the door bangs open. I can’t stop screaming, the chain cutting into my wrist as I fight to stop him before he kills Tey right in front of me. I stare at Tey as if it’s the last time I’ll see him. I’d rather look at him if we’re both going to die.
“Make the bitch stop with the shrieking. We have a problem.” One of the goons cautiously steps into the room, his eyes shifty and not meeting Cruz’s gaze when he looks at him over his shoulder.
My screams trail off and the ache in my chest fucking hurts. I thought this was it, the last time I would see those beautiful eyes of Tey staring at me. I’m panting as I slowly sit up, feeling like I’ve just woken from a nightmare. Sweat gathers at the back of my nape and my hands can’t stop shaking, the chains slightly rattling.
“I’m busy. Handle it yourself.” Cruz glances back down at Tey and cracks his neck from side to side.
“We have company. The rest of them are here for these two, and they didn’t come alone.” The tattooed gang member scratches the back of his neck with nerves.
“Fuck!” Cruz screams, tipping his head back and gripping his hair.
Holy shit.
I’ve never seen him lose it like this.
“Stay here with them. I’ll be back.” He points towards the gang member and starts walking to the door before glancing one more time at me. “We have so much to talk about. You’ve made so many mistakes, got so many people who cared about you killed, just because you wanted freedom from me. Diana, that trucker.Tsk tsk,little bird. Oh, can’t forget about Rig. This isn’t over, little bird,” Cruz gloats with a sick glee while staring at me, as if he’s waiting for me to open my mouth and ask about what I really want to know most, but I’m not giving him what he wants… not yet. “Not by a long shot.” My lip curls as I glare at him until he’s gone.
My whole body sags and tears gather at the corner of my eyes, not caring about the gang member seeing me breaking down.
“I’m proud of you, Tillie. You got some big lady balls on you.” Tey catches my attention with how serious his tone is and makes a tearful giggle escape me. He scoots as close to me as he can and cups my face with his free hand, smoothing his thumb over my throbbing cheekbone. “Ready to play a game with me?” He whispers so low that it’s hard to make out what he says before nodding his head towards the gang member leaning against the door looking bored as he picks at his nails.
“What do you need me to do?” I reply just as quietly, staring into his blue eyes that light up in excitement.