Can’t have them seeing the dead body or Logan who’s about to murder one of Dom’s guys. His father's reach can only go so far. The FBI is a different aspect that Franco hasn’t dipped his hands in… yet. At this point, I don’t think either of our fathers gives a shit about us and would let us take any downfall to save their own asses.

Leaning against the trunk of my car, I rewind the footage and feel my cock twitch in my pants as I zoom in on my car about thirty minutes ago. Tillie’s riding Tey in my backseat like her life depends on him, rutting against him so hard that my back tires bounced in a hypnotic rhythm each time she slid down on Tey’s cock. I didn’t have to zoom in to see what they were up to. Honestly, I just want to watch.

Taking a deep breath, I fast-forward, groaning as I look at the time to see how long they were roughly fucking. I push play as Tillie climbs into my front seat, saying something to Tey as he lounges in the back. I already know what I’m going to see, but I can’t look away. Tillie grins and gets into position over my stick shift, lowering herself with her head tossed back in pleasure.

I grind my teeth, loving the look of heat and desire crossing over her face.

“What the fuck is taking so long?!” Logan pants next to my ear like an angry bull before he turns my computer towards him to get a look at what has captivated me so much.

Guess I’ve been standing still without saying or moving for a while. My pulse races and my whole body locks up tight. I have a very sudden urge to tie Tillie and Tey up, hold them captive in the sweetest torture for fucking without me.

“What did Dom’s guy say?” I clear my throat and yank my computer out of his grip, fast-forwarding before I get distracted again by Tillie’s sweet pussy and Tey’s big dick.

“Nothing. Fucker fell asleep on the job. Just woke up to them gone and a dead body left behind. I’ll let Dom handle him.” I glance away from the screen for a split second, seeing Logan’s hands shaking.

I get it. I want them both back, and if anything happens to them… may God have mercy on the fucker’s poor soul for touching what’s ours.

There’s a rumble of motorcycles as Dalton and some of his club members enter the school parking lot. We’ll most likely have students glancing out the windows soon to see what’s happening. Before that happens, we need to get the body out of here.

I watch as Dalton comes to a halt a few feet away and swings his leg off his bike, marching over to us with a murderous expression.

“I’m out of this fucking school for two days and you fuckers can’t keep an eye on my little bitch. Where the hell is she?!” Dalton is shouting at this point and getting in Logan’s face like it’s all his fault.

Logan stands up straighter, his expression darkening as he steps closer to Dalton and shoves him back a step.

“Fuck you. Just, fuck you!”

Logan is losing it. His shirt is wrinkled, which has never had a crease in it since I’ve known him. He likes things clean and in order to have some control in his life, but that control he holds on to so tightly is slowly slipping from his grasp.

I pause the video and use my hands to pull them apart before they start swinging fists at each other.

“Knock it off. We don't have time for this shit show,” I state in a calm voice, even though I’m anything but.

The sound of screeching tires pulls our attention towards a Dodge Challenger slamming into the middle of the parking lot, and as the door opens, Dom steps out. He leaves the door open and the engine running as he walks over to the guy who was supposed to be watching our girl. Without stopping or saying anything, Dom pulls out a gun with a silencer on it from the back of his pants and shoots the guy point-blank in the forehead.

“Son of a bitch. Axel, Lucky, carry the two bodies to Dom’s trunk and get rid of the rest of the evidence. Not a drop of blood is to be left behind.” Dalton barks out orders, running a hand down his face in irritation.

“Just play the fucking video,” Logan rasps out, stepping towards the back of my car again with Dalton hot on his heels.

Breathing through my nose, I place the laptop on the surface of my trunk and wait for Dom to join the three of us. No point in replaying it again. It’s just wasting time when we could already be on our way to rescuing Tillie and Tey.

“This video better have some answers or I’m going to go on a killing spree,” Dom says, buttoning his suit jacket with his jaw clenched.

My fingers fly over the keyboard and I try to pull up audio as the video starts playing again, but these types of cameras don’t come with the ability for us to listen in.


Still, we all watch as a shitty-ass car without a license plate pulls up next to mine in the video feed. Men in black masks jump out quickly and yank my backseat car door open. From both sides, they grab Tillie and Tey, ganging up on Tey as they obviously see him as a threat. Watching him being kicked and punched has my heart stopping and my breaths coming out ragged.

“He’s still alive,” Logan says softly next to me, reaching out and squeezing my shoulder in reassurance.

I don’t say anything, just shake my head to focus on the video once more in case anything sticks out. We watch Tillie slit one of the fuckers necks, making me instantly proud of her before she's thrown into the trunk right along with Tey.

“That’s our girl,” Dalton whispers and rubs at his chest, like he’s in physical pain watching them fight for their lives.

“We don’t know jack shit. The dead fucker had a tattoo on his neck but it was blacked out with another tattoo. This has to be Carlos, but where the fuck do we start?” Logan mutters, pacing back and forth as he runs his hands through his hair in frustration until it’s sticking up at all angles.

“I’m not so sure about that. Looks like we have a Peeping Tom.” Dom points to the screen. Three cars down sits a very familiar person hunched in their seat.