It takes everything in me to not launch across the space separating us and snap his neck. Logan walks stiffly out of the office without saying another word to Jin because we were clearly dismissed. I see the first glimpse of blood and a swipe of the knife on her skin with the curve of the letter C.
“Leave,” Jin states darkly, and I feel like my boots are full of lead as I walk out of the office without a backwards glance.
I follow Logan, not saying anything as we walk down the stairs and back through the front of the restaurant until we’re outside. His stride is stiff and angry as he walks to his car that’s parked in front of my bike.
“Lo,” I say and watch him take a deep inhale before looking over his shoulder at me. “We’ll get them.”
He nods and hops into his car, speeding away with tires screeching. I didn’t ask where he’s going because I already know. I follow on my bike through the city and into the rich neighborhood until we’re pulling into Dom’s driveway through the guarded gates. I feel like if I don’t see Tillie’s face right now, I’m going to go crazy and start hitting anything within my reach.
I shut my bike off, swing my leg over it and jog through the doorway Logan has left wide open for me. I don’t hear anything at first until I walk farther into the house, heading towards the kitchen where men’s voices are talking in a low tone.
Standing in the doorway, I choke on my spit and hold back a laugh as Tey talks to Dom, buck naked. Tey’s naked in Dom’s kitchen, holding a bottle of wine and a package of cubed cheese.
“My cupcake deserves the best of the best. She needs pampering, amigo. Don’t throw a fit. I’m heading to your master bathroom to give our girl the most amazing bubble bath she’s ever had,” Tey declares cheerfully while pulling the already-open wine bottle cork out with his teeth, spitting it at my feet with a grin and taking a swig.
“Jesus. I love my queen and know she deserves it all, but don’t make this a thing. My fucking eyes burn.” Dom gestures to Tey’s naked backside and strides towards him to grab the wine bottle while heading out of the room.
“Bro… it’s like you have a death wish. Cover your junk, man. Did Lo come through here?” I ask worriedly, sounding like an old, cranky grandma, but I saw the look in Logan’s eyes tonight.
He’s fucking mad and a bit unhinged, and I’m worried he’s going to go guns blazing without telling anyone. He’s gonna get himself killed.
“Told him Tillie is naked and in Dom’s bathroom.” Tey shrugs and tears the cheese package open as he strolls out of the kitchen.
Everyone is losing their damn minds around here, and I’m the only one who is san—wait. Did he say my little bitch is naked? I turn on my heel and run to catch up with Tey just as he rounds a corner and walks into Dom’s bedroom like he owns it. I hear Logan and Dom arguing before I even see them. I roll my eyes as I step into the bathroom that smells of lavender and vanilla, not the least surprised that these two are bickering like clucking hens. It’s a bromance in the making and entertaining as hell.
“I don’t give a fuck if you’re surrounded by an army at your disposal. Jin just put a price on you. Anyone and everyone will be gunning for you now. Fuck!” Logan shouts, pulling at his hair until it sticks up at every angle.
“Don’t worry about me, little Russo. You're about to see how the big boys play. I can handle myself and keep everyone safe in this house,” Dom says calmly, cursing in Spanish as he yanks at his cufflinks in frustration before collecting himself.
Scary fucker. I shiver. It’s always the ones that are in control, on a tight leash, that break first. God help anyone in their path. I’ve been waiting years to see Logan break. That day will go in the books.
“Lo.” Tillie’s voice is soft and sweet, coming from the mountain of bubbles hiding her naked body from me in the tub. “Get in so I can hold you.”
That’s all she has to say for Logan to growl like an angry bear as he throws off his jacket, but struggles to loosen his tie and grows impatient with his buttons. Tillie is leaning against Nicky's shoulder on one side, and on the other side is Tey with a goofy grin on his face as he cuddles into Nicky’s neck. Nicky is just sitting there with his arms crossed over his chest with a blank expression, like he’s some badass, but his lips keep twitching as Tey feeds Tillie cubes of cheese.
Logan finally groans and barrels into the tub with his button-down shirt and pants still on. He sits on Tillie’s other side and drags her into his arms, looking like he doesn’t plan on letting go anytime soon. He’s going to need her for the moment, I think, given the worried look Nicky and Tey are throwing at him.
I glance at Dom and shrug before stripping down to my black boxer briefs and getting into the water, sitting across from our girl. I grab her foot and start massaging the arch with the pad on my fingertips. Moments later, Dom climbs in naked as well with the wine bottle. He tips it back and swallows a gulp before passing it around to Tey.
Who in the fuck has a tub this huge? Did he foresee a future where he would need one this big to fit a tiny woman and a group of big dudes?
“So, bubble bath group time is a thing, I’m taking it?” Dom says slowly, staring at Tillie with a fond expression on his face as she scoops up bubbles and blows them in his direction with puckered lips.
“Oh yeah. With five of you and my poor vagina, I’m going to need to rest the girl as much as possible. I’m sore as hell. They wrecked my pussy,” Tillie comments as she runs her hands through Logan’s hair while staring at Nicky and Tey with a sated grin.
“Damn it! I missed the double dipping,” I groan out miserably, tilting my head back against the tub's ledge.
“Don’t worry, big guy, you can take her ass next time,” Tey coos and coughs as Tillie splashes him with a gasp.
“Absolutely not! Sorry, baby, but that monster dick of yours isn’t coming anywhere near my ass,” Tillie admonishes, her dark eyes sparkling with mirth at my horrified expression.
“We’ll see.” I narrow my eyes at her in challenge as I tip my head towards her, drinking in her tan, smooth skin that has a soft blush from the steam of the water.
“Logan, you ready to hear what we found?” Nicky breaks the easy, light mood, and I know it has to be discussed but damn.
“Just tell me,” Logan mutters into the crook of Tillie’s neck, as if he wants to bury himself under her skin.
“We found a file in Jin’s office. I’m sorry, brother, but it was never Dom’s father who killed your mom. Jin already knew about Franco sniffing around his drug business. There were photos of you and your… mom in the file. He had the triad following Franco, learning everything about him, including his weaknesses.” Nicky pauses, clearing his throat like he’s unsure if he should tell him the rest.