“I thought we could roast some smores.” I smirk, taking my unicorn out of my pocket and grabbing my zippo out of the stuffed animal's butt.
“Jesus.” Nicky shakes his head and returns back to digging through the files, but I see his shoulders shake with silent laughter.
Yeah, he totally loves me.
“You know, I don't think we’re going to find what we’re looking for here,” Tillie announces after skimming the files for a few minutes. She sits back on her haunches with a thoughtful look before glancing around.
I admit I was thinking the same thing. I can’t stop pacing and looking out the door because I feel like we’re running out of time. I already have all the liquor bottles ready to go, and now I’m getting antsy.
Logan:Building clear.
My phone goes off with that text message and I know it’s time to get the hell out of here. Dalton’s probably already pouring gasoline everywhere in the pit and just needs a small fire up here to get things going. I watch Tillie crawl towards Jin’s desk and disappear under it for a second until we can hear an audible click echo throughout the room. She pops her head up with a wink and climbs to her feet as her hand searches for something under the edge of the desk. Nicky and I crowd around her, looking over her shoulder as she pulls out a file and slaps it on the desk.
“Like all cocky men, they think the world can’t touch them. I think Jin is about to realize that he’s not above everyone else. He’s just a man,” Tillie mutters with a sniff and flicks through the file before her face scrunches up with pain.
She passes the folder over to Nicky and grabs a scotch bottle, taking a deep swig as she rolls her mask up before tipping the bottle all over on the floor while grabbing more liquor off the desk. She walks out of the office, hips swaying, leaving a trail of liquor behind her.
“Damn,” Nicky hisses, watching Tillie with a look of admiration in his emerald eyes.
I’m right there with him. I grip the back of his neck, squeezing a second to ease the tension radiating from his body, and lean forward to bite the space between his neck and shoulder, loving the deep groan that leaves his mouth.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here, Nicholas, before our girl decides to start the fire without us.” I lick the spot my teeth sank into, leaving a mark, and swipe a scotch bottle off the desk to douse Jin’s office until it smells like a dirty bar.
“It’s time, Tey. No more holding back,” Nicky says, taking the drink out of my hand and tipping the bottle back towards his mouth.
I watch his Adam’s apple bob, my throat dry as he looks at me over the rim with lust brimming in his eyes. I know exactly what he’s talking about.
Holy mother of god.
An unleashed Nicky… Fuck. I’m not sure Tillie’s sexy ass is going to survive the beating he’s going to deliver, or if my cock is ever going to be the same again.
I watch his tight ass walk out, his strides long as he catches up to Tillie where she waits by the stairs. I back out of the room with a chuckle, my grin so big I’m surprised it doesn’t split my lips at the corners. Flipping my zippo open, I watch the flame and throw it at Jin’s desk.
“Burn, baby, burn.”
My hands tighten around Nicky’s waist as he leans to the side on his crotch rocket, taking the corner too fast. My body leans with him, as if we are one.
Me. Him. Us.
It’s exhilarating and tastes of freedom, as if nothing can touch you when the world blurs around you. My mind keeps swirling, thinking of all the pain over the years, and we’re going to have more tonight. I’m almost scared to show Logan the file that’s going to break his heart. Everything he thought he knew was a lie. He’s expecting it, but to be living proof, evidence finally right in your face… You can’t run away from that. It almost makes me feel guilty about tomorrow, but if he can handle the torture I’m going to put him through, then nothing will ever break us apart.
I flex my fingers against Nicky’s button-down, feeling his hard abs shift with each turn we take. The cold wind started biting into my fingers the moment we left the warehouse and the warmth of the building went up in flames. I hated leaving Logan, Dalton, and Dom to handle the rest, but they wanted me far away from that mess before the police showed up. Franco got out apparently and went to work at the precinct, probably rounding up all the cops that do his dirty work. I guess Franco will have to make an appearance for the press once it’s discovered that bodies were found in the wreckage. They won’t find any evidence of the human trafficking ring though. My guys saved those women and children. I don’t know what will happen to them, how their lives will move on from here, but Nicky reassured me that they will be okay. Being a hacker comes in handy, especially when you can send a message to the Feds without any trace leading back to you. Apparently, my brooding, handsome Nicky has been doing that for years. I bet Jin’s blowing a gasket, and Franco's having the press eating out of his hands right about now.
God. I hate that man. All his fake smiles and words of loyalty to your face are a joke.
I turn my head to the right, my helmet resting on Nicky’s shoulder as I gaze at Tey riding Dalton’s motorcycle with a carefree grin on his face and the wind whipping in his hair. Crazy fucker won’t wear a helmet. He said I was cute for worrying about his safety. I’ll always worry.
A few minutes later, we climb up the long driveway to Dom’s house, once we get through security, one of the five garage doors opens upon our arrival. Looks like Dom really did add us to the list of people allowed to come and go from his home. The rumble of the bikes is loud as we pull in and the crank of the garage door shutting has the guys cutting off their engines. I breathe a sigh of relief as I shake out my hair the moment I take the helmet off and inhale deeply at the smell of gasoline. It’s a smell I’m familiar with, and I have fond memories of Rig in the garage as he toned up cars.
Tey comes up to my side, throwing his arm over my shoulders while sniffing my neck with a groan. He doesn’t care that I’m covered in blood and am a literal mess with mascara running down my cheeks after my eyes started watering as I sucked Nicky’s cock.
I can’t believe I did that. My mind is still reeling, and it’s crazy to think how wet I got, as if I got off on showing everyone that Nicky is mine.
“How about you go shower, cherry? We’ll meet you in the billiard room,” Tey mumbles into my neck, taking another deep sniff of me, like I’m a drug he needs, before smacking my butt as he jogs into the house.
I can only shake my head, watching his tight ass in those black jeans until he disappears somewhere into the house. Why didn’t he want to shower with me?