“Don’t worry. Causing a distraction with Dom and his crew so we can get to those files.” I kiss her wrist and let go, pulling off my jacket so I can cover her with it while zipping up the other one I had on underneath.

Now we all blend in and no one can tell who we are. Dom and his men are dressed the same, all wearing skeleton masks and their clothing all-black. It’s kind of brilliant and is going to piss off Jin to no end since his auction is now ruined.

I grab Tillie’s hand again and clasp my knife in my other hand, nodding my head for Nicky to follow, just as we take off in a light jog—since we’re hunched over to avoid getting hit by a bullet. We make it towards the entrance of the curtains from the walkway and slip behind the fabric with my knife ready, just in case. I quickly shove Tillie back as a triad member slashes out in front of me with his own knife, barely missing my neck. I grin and attack with a quick lunge, cutting a fast, smooth swipe across his neck. Blood squirts out, hitting my face, and I can't help but thinkpayback’s a bitchas I laugh at the dead man at my feet.

“That’s what you get. Tillie, my little killer, we match now!” I declare excitedly before pulling up my mask along with hers and rubbing our noses together with a content sigh.

This is heaven with hell at our backs.

It’s perfect. She’s perfect.

I love when she’s covered in blood and it’s even better when I’m coated in it too. I bet we would make the most beautiful art if our bodies were naked right now. Just her and me on a blank canvas painting it red.

“God, you're crazy,” she says in a loving voice that warms my heart. She nips at my bottom lip before pulling away, her mask once again covering her face so no one recognizes her.

“You have a little something red right here.” Nicky reaches over Tillie’s shoulder, smearing the red lipstick she left behind across my bottom lip with his thumb.

“I’m pretty sure you have some on your cock too. Don’t have time to whip out that big boy now, but later I’ll be investigating to make sure it’s there,” I tell him with a wicked grin, pulling the mask over my face again. I chuckle darkly as his eyes burn into mine with desire.

“Let’s get those papers and get the hell out of here.” Tillie grabs both of our hands and raises a brow patiently at Nicky to lead the way.

“Right. This way.” Nicky clears his throat and starts leading us down a hallway off to the right.

The moment we turn the corner, Nicky aims his gun and fires two times while his other arm pushes me and Tillie behind him up against the wall. Fuck, if that doesn’t make my cold, dead heart pump rivers of blood. I love when he gets all protective, even though I’m very capable of taking care of myself. Nicky moves his hand away, placing it on my shoulder as I move to stand next to him in the doorway. A dead guard with a bullet in his forehead stares up at the ceiling, bleeding all over the place.

We stand in front of a room with screaming women and children huddled together, their eyes wide when they see three strangers wearing scary, skeleton masks. It’s probably not the most fucked up thing they’ve seen though. Some stare back without any emotions; dead eyes but still breathing. It makes me really fucking sad. A deep sadness that a happy, normal life was ripped away from these people. Choices and freedom were taken from them.

“Tey, we can’t leave them here.” Tillie pants next to me, her breathing harsh with anger as she grasps my sleeve jacket in a death grip.

“We aren’t. Dom brought enough men for backup, and Jin’s a coward. He’s probably already out of the building, leaving right when the shooting started. Dalton and Logan won’t leave without getting everyone out. We have our own job to do, to stop this once and for all,” Nicky says passionately, his gaze through the mask conflicted as he stares at the room full of broken people.

“I trust you,” Tillie whispers, reaching out to Nicky and squeezing his hand.

It’s hard to turn your back on something that tears at your fucking heart, the hope dimming in each terrified gaze that is directed at us.

“Stay here. Help is on the way. The men in skeleton masks are the good guys.” I lie through my teeth because, let’s face it, we aren’t good men, but we're better than most of the fuckers that are selling people.

We continue down the hallway, my knife in hand swirling between my fingers and Nicky’s gun out at the ready in case we run into more trouble. Tillie walks between us, her fingers looped in Nicky’s belt to stay as close to him as she can while she holds my hand behind her. It’s quiet as we reach the end of the hallway, where one lone door is propped open and a set of stairs leads up.

Nicky starts heading up the stairs on quiet feet, his gun raised on the open space up ahead. I’m a bit distracted by the muscles shifting under his jacket and Tillie’s gorgeous ass in my face. I shake my head and force myself to focus, looking behind us to make sure no one’s sneaking up behind us.

Reaching the landing, it’s lightly lit and quiet, with office doors wide open except the one at the end of the hallway.

Jin’s office.

“In and out,” Nicky reminds us, his head whipping back and forth as we pass each office.

It’s completely empty up here. I can’t even hear the chaos from the pit, which kind of saddens me. I love chaos and mayhem. Nicky rattles the doorknob, finding it locked, which isn’t a surprise. Tillie pushes him away when she notices him taking out his lock-picking gear and shoving us back with an eye roll.

“Watch and learn, boys.” She smirks and suddenly kicks her right foot up, balancing on her left as she slams the heel of her foot right under the doorknob. It makes a splitting noise, the door bursting open with just one solid kick from her. I’m sure my jaw is on the floor because when I look at Nicky he meets my gaze with his eyes crinkled in the corners from smiling. He’s just as impressed as I am. It takes a lot for Nicky to smile, and all it took was our girl road-housing Jin’s office door. “Don’t look so surprised. I did grow up in a motorcycle club, after all,” she says dryly, her face souring at the reminder, and walks into Jin’s office without a backward glance.

“Shit,” Nicky mutters under his breath and follows after her, heading towards the filing cabinet behind Jin’s big, fancy, mahogany desk.

I hate that she grew up in a motorcycle club and all the pain she’s had to suffer at Payne’s and all the members' hands. It makes me feel murdery inside, and I can’t wait until we take out the Demon Jokers. They will regret the day they hurt my angel. Every last one of them.

With a deep breath, I walk towards the wet bar and move bottles around until I find what I’m looking for. Carrying them to Jin’s desk, I sweep his shit off the surface and start unscrewing all the scotch bottles. They’re good fire starters, and that thought makes me happy, humming to myself as I watch Nicky pick the lock on the cabinet with ease. Seriously, who uses paper these days? Jin. The sick fuck.

“Start on that end, pet.” Nicky points Tillie to the other side of the long cabinet and looks over his shoulder at me with a pointed gaze at the liquor bottles.