The spotlight turns on and the oxygen is sucked out of my lungs, along with Dalton as he curses under his breath. Logan’s thighs tense under me and his heart races against my back. Nicky looks frozen solid next to us, his burning gaze directed right towards Jin with pure hatred in those green eyes. I’m suddenly gripping his hand that he probably doesn’t have any blood flow left, but he doesn’t push me away. He holds on just as tight. I shift my gaze over to Tey and worry he’s about at his breaking point. He adores kids, and so this has to be killing him inside. He hasn’t stopped spinning his knife between his fingers, and I don’t think he’s blinked at all. My gaze drifts back to the stage as the same goon from before drags a little girl down the walkway. She looks like she’s maybe twelve. She fights the whole way, kicking and throwing her tiny fists anywhere to cause damage, but it’s no use. She’s shoved onto the center stage, falling to her knees with a cry. Looking up with terrified, wide eyes, they lock onto mine. I could be wrong, it’s very dark in here, but in that moment, with her brown eyes looking so scared and lost… I know I can’t do this.

That’s a kid up there, someone’s child. She shouldn’t know the evils of the world yet, but here she is. She reminds me of, well, me. A girl who’s facing the reality that this is really happening, that evil does exist, and that hope is dwindling away as the excited murmurs echoes around the pit.

I glance around to see card after card being thrown onto silver trays, and my gaze is drawn to Cruz, as if I can’t help myself. I know what I’m going to see, and it’s going to end up with me in a lot of trouble. It’s like he was waiting for me to look, because the moment I make eye contact, he smiles slowly and sickly as he places a white card on a silver tray. A bid. I feel the blood drain from my face, my body going cold. If Cruz gets his hand on that child… No! That's not going to happen. He knows I’ll do anything to stop him from getting her. It doesn’t matter if Cruz is surrounded by Demon Jokers, along with Carlos and some of his men. Cruz alone has control and power to get whatever he wants. We’re all just a sick game to him.

“Would anyone care for a demonstration? Who wants to see some obedience lessons?” Jin’s smooth voice drips like poison as he announces over the speakers with a chuckle, and the crowd cheers in agreement.

My gaze swings over to Jin and Franco as they give the goon on stage a nod of approval. Big and muscular, Jin’s bodyguard stands over the girl with a menacing grin as he bends down and roughly grasps her elbow until she’s standing again. The first strike is across her face, and I’m shoving Dalton and Nicky’s hands away from me. The second strike and I’m slipping out of Logan’s lap before he can stop me. My mind is numb and racing with the thoughts of my past, of the obedience lessons Payne put me through for years. I’m pushing past bodyguards near the stage to get through, ignoring the guys calling my name. I’m laser-focused on the goon as he draws back his hand again, this time with a fist. I don’t know how I managed to gain the strength to grasp the ledge of the stage and pull myself up within seconds. How did I get across the room so fast that I’m now standing in front of the girl and blocking the next hit for her?

My hands all too easily slid into my bun, releasing wavy lengths of hair and taking out the sharp, pointed hair sticks that were holding it securely. I see my hand raise, as if it’s someone else's, as it slashes at the guard in front of me. I hear a vicious growl and realize it’s me making those sounds, like a wild beast that was caught in a cage and is now suddenly free. One second the guard is leaning over me to throw a punch and the next, he’s frozen, his mouth opening and closing as he stares down at me in astonishment. His neck starts to bleed from one side to the other, spurts of it coating my face as he falls to his knees and tries to stop the river of blood flowing down his neck. I glance down at my fisted hands and see the hair sticks coated in blood. I slit his throat and don’t feel anything at all. I’m not even a little bit upset it happened.

He deserved it.

All at once, the noise of the crowd rushes into my ears and the hand of the child squeezes my arm in a death grip. I hear low murmurs, shocked gasps, and guns being cocked. I look down at the hand cutting off the blood flow to my arm and gaze at the little girl staring up at me with hope in her brown eyes.

I don’t regret anything, even if I’m about to die. I’ll go down fighting though, taking out as many of these sick fucks as I can. I hope they're ready for hell, as I’m about to send them there.

“My, my. It would seem someone is a little jealous of not getting all the attention. Nicholas, why don’t you show our guests how to properly punish a disobedient whore.” Jin’s voice still sounds cheerful, but there’s a hard edge to it that makes me flinch.

I’m gasping for air, sweat coating my neck, but I don’t move from in front of the child as my gaze wildly swings around until it lands on Nicky. He hops onto the stage with ease, his muscles bunching under his suit jacket as he straightens the sleeves with a roll of his broad shoulders and strides towards me with purpose. His facial expression gives nothing away, but the moment I lock eyes with him… I know I’m in trouble. His green eyes narrow in anger, their color darkening as his pupils expand. The sharp edge of his jaw shifts, muscles ticking as he stops a few feet away from me and widens his stance, dominance pulsing in waves from him.

The little girl is suddenly pried away from me, my distraction costing me as another one of Jin’s guys drags her away, back towards the entrance of the curtains. I’ll get her out of here, I swear on my life I will. It’s better this way for right now, at least everyone isn’t looking at her anymore. All their attention is currently on me and Nicky as we stare at each other in the middle of the round part of the stage.

“On your knees, pet,” Nicky orders softly but with so much command that my legs shake with the need to obey. I hold my stance even though my legs want to buckle under me as I stare at him with wide eyes, blood still dripping down my face and the dead goon at my feet behind me. Nicky can’t be serious. I already know where this is leading, but I don’t think I can do this in front of so many strangers while they're looking on with sick lust and hunger in their eyes. It cramps my stomach, reminding me of my time in the basement when every member watched as they all took turns raping me.“Eyes on me,” Nicky growls out as my gaze shifts around to seeguestswatching, but his voice snaps my attention back towards him in an instant.

Tall, lean, but with defined muscles, Nicky commands attention with his eyes alone. They challenge me with the slight narrowing, willing me to do as he says… and God help me, I want to be on my knees for him. It’s the aura that surrounds him, his dominance, and the tight control he has, it makes me want to break that leash he holds so close to his heart. I want wild and passionate Nicky to let go. I want the man that feels under all that armor he shows everyone else but me.

After a few seconds of staring down with him, I slowly sink to my knees and everything else fades away until it’s just me and him on the stage. I drop the hair sticks with a gasp, feeling the fight drain out of me as they clatter onto the stage. My body bends to Nicky’s will without much of a fight, and the sick, twisted side of me likes this. Needs it.

I rest my butt on the back of my heels, arms loose at my sides, but I tip my chin back so I don’t break eye contact with that gaze of emerald green that’s currently grounding me.

“Crawl to me,” he whispers in a dark tone, but it sounds loud, even past the rushing of blood pounding in my ears. My hands graze the floor with slight hesitation, but laying my palms flat on the floor, and with a deep breath, I crawl across the stage towards him. Slow and seductive, my hips sway as I easily crawl towards him with warm blood coating my hands. My leather bodysuit becomes slippery in the blood on the floor, the warm blood soaking the material of my outfit as I stop at his feet. My chest rises and falls, faster and faster, while my body shivers with adrenaline and desire. “Show everyone how you present yourself to me. Who owns you, pet?” Nicky demands with a tight jaw, his lips curled into a snarl as raw desire has him clenching his fists at his sides.

I suppress a whimper, holding his gaze as I lean back on my heels again, arching my back with my knees spread wide for him. This position, if naked, would leave me exposed, nothing to the imagination. My head tilts back but I don’t break his hold. I can’t. If I look away then it’s going to remind me it’s not just me and him up here. Raising my bloody hands above my head, I slowly drag them seductively down my neck, between my breasts, until I’m gliding my palms over my knees back towards the floor. Leaving me back on my hands and knees at his feet, I bend down without him having to say anything until my forehead is grazing the tip of his shoe. My breath fogs the shine of his polished, expensive shoes, and I swear, I don’t hear anything else but the small hiss he releases between his teeth. This position leaves my back arched, ass up, like a good submissive. Anyone with two eyes can tell right away that Nicky likes control. He’s a Dom and always will be.

“Good, pet. Now, answer me. Who owns you?” he says louder, his voice deeper than ever with layers of unholy desire.

“You do,” I whimper out with a pant, feeling my thighs squeeze together with need.

“Say my name,” he growls out and bends down to pull me up by fisting my hair, making me meet his hot, dangerous gaze again.

“Nicholas,” I rasp out, tears burning the corner of my eyes at the sharp sting as he tilts my head back farther.

Why do I love this? Why do I need to be dominated and praised? I used to be angry all the time, scared of what I would and wouldn’t like, but all I feel now is a possessive need to be completely and truly owned by my guys.

If that's disturbing and wrong… I don’t care. It’s how I love them.


Iknow I’m fucked in the head, that’s never going to change, but even I know how wrong it is to get a hard dick at this moment. I’m so hard I could burst through my zipper. My cock is an endless, leaking stream of cum as I watch Nicky and Tillie up on the stage. I want to paint them both with my cum, spraying jet after jet onto Tillie’s pure, scarred, beautiful skin, and watch Nicky’s hard cock get coated in white as I cover him too. That’s me marking my territory. I have no regrets for my twisted mind. I’m most definitely sure my unicorn would agree with me.

“What’s that, Mr. Unicorn? Kill everyone here and have kinky sex in their blood afterwards?” I ask my stuffed animal, pulling him out of my pocket and up to my ear like he’s talking to me. Dalton and Logan take their eyes off the stage and stare at me like I’m losing my mind. Kind of too late, but they still keep me around. I’d rather let my freak fly than keep it trapped inside like everyone else does. Freaking psychos. “I’m kidding. He didn’t say that. You guys can live too, just everyone else here dies,” I whisper out the side of my mouth to them and swing my gaze to Cruz. “He dies first. I can’t decide if we should put him on a stick and have a slow roast, or slice off his skin, cook it like bacon, and feed it to him.” The tone of my voice deepens and darkens as I think of all the ways I could kill him.

Wow. Even my own voice is scaring me. I’ve literally got goose bumps over here. I sound a tad crazy, a little bloodthirsty as usual, and sinister as fuck.

“Tey… I don’t even know how to process that, but save those thoughts for later. We need to get them off that stage before Dom shows up.” Logan is fuming, like I’m surprised his perfect hair isn’t combusting into flames right now.

“I don’t fucking like this. Fuck! Everyone is staring at them with rapt attention. She’s drawing unwanted attention to herself,” Dalton says in a voice so thick it sounds like he’s chewing on gravel. He’s right. As I glance around, everyone is staring at Tillie and Nicky. Hell, I keep getting distracted each time I look up at them putting on a show, but I need to focus. “She’s goddamn beautiful up there though. She didn’t hesitate cutting Jin’s guard down, a clean swipe to the throat.” Dalton’s tone comes out smug and proud. I’m right there with him.