A smile twitches at my lips, knowing he’s trying to distract me like before when Gary and his stupid friends attacked me in the locker rooms and I ended up having a panic attack in Dalton’s arms.
“Gary’s house party,” I reply back, stifling a giggle as he groans and pulls me under his arm to plaster my body against him.
“Fuck, little bitch. That’s your happy moment? Which part?” he asks as we pass the bodyguard, grunting at him with a head nod as he lets us through the door once he recognizes Logan and Nicky. Not once does the fucker take his hand off his gun, letting us know he won’t hesitate to use it on us. The bastard. I glare as we move past him, almost wanting him to even dare take his gun out so I can kick him in the nuts so hard he’s singing soprano. He doesn’t though and we’re suddenly inside without any problems.
It goes dark once the door is slammed behind us, and lights on the floor leads the way that we’re supposed to go. No one says anything for a bit as the guys huddle around me, Dalton squeezing me closer to his side which helps keep me warm. It’s cold as hell here, and goose bumps break out across my skin, adding to the doom feeling that’s pitting in my stomach.
“Hmm. Which part? That’s a tough one. Maybe when you fucked me with the gun? Or when you shoved your big cock inside my tight pussy?” I lean into Dalton, trying to be quiet, but the guys groan as if in pain around me a second later though.
Guess I wasn’t quiet enough. Oops.
“Not now, Tillie,” Logan growls out through his teeth and I swear he whispers,“Fucking hell.”
“Okay. Later then. I’ll tell you guys about my knife fantasy.” I try to joke to make myself feel better yet everything comes out strained and choked instead.
“Shh, baby cakes. Don’t tell them, just me. I’ll make all your knife fantasies come true.” Tey chuckles darkly from the right, though his voice comes out tense.
The hallway comes to an end at another door, this one a solid metal with a small latch that opens the moment Nicky knocks on it.
“Nicholas, Logan, Dalton, Tey, and the slut,” Nicky mutters in a bored tone. Despite his words, I notice his broad shoulders bunching up as he gives out our names and at what he just had to call me to the man on the other side of the door.
I probably wouldn’t have been able to walk through that door if he gave out my real name. I’m just a woman that’s a slut in Jin’s eyes. My fists tremble at my sides, I quickly shake them to lose the tension because I know Nicky doesn’t mean it. I’m their slut, but only when one of their cocks is inside of me. I know the difference.
I reach out in the dim lighting and graze my fingers against Nicky’s lightly so he knows I don’t blame him.
He brushes his fingers along my wrist before pulling away as the heavy door creaks open and the sound of muttering voices reach my ears. I ignore the meathead as I walk behind Tey with Dalton at my back, and I try to keep my expression blank while I take in the warehouse before me from the railings.
It’s just as dark downstairs in the main part of the warehouse except an illuminated catwalk highlights a large black stage in the middle of the pit. The red couches are shadowed in the dark, and my guess is so that no one can see who else is here. Probably important people, the rich and famous.
“Whatever you see or hear, you can’t react. It will end with a bullet in the head,” Logan's voice is stiff, strained, like he hates being here as much as I already do.
“Trust us,” Nicky says in his usual quiet, deep voice when I don’t reply.
I’m really fucking trying, but I’m scared of what I’m about to witness. There isn’t any music playing, it's just the low mutter of voices and the sound of shuffling feet behind the curtain at the beginning of the catwalk, leading to the dead center of the stage. It’s fucking creepy that each woman walking down towards the stage is basically a piece of meat with a price tag.
“I’ll do the best I can but make no promises. Just promise me that this will all end,” I grit out. It’s taking everything in me not to grab the gun tucked in Logan’s pants and start shooting everyone below.
“It will end,” Nicky claims passionately, and I believe him.
It’s the burning inferno in his gaze when he looks over at me and his fists gripping the railing in front of him until his knuckles are white that tells me he wants this to end just as badly.
I nod at him and glance behind me when I hear Tey clearing his throat. He’s looking off to the right with a murderous expression as he spins his knife between each finger. I follow his gaze and see Franco standing by the stairs that lead down into the seating area, and he’s shaking hands with those that descend, like a fucking businessman welcoming everyone. He places something in their hands before moving on to the next person. Men and women dressed in their finest clothing smile at Franco, laughing at whatever he says to them.
“No reaction,” Logan repeats one more time just as Franco spots us. His smile makes my stomach shift with nerves and sickness as he crooks a finger at us to join him.
It’s the type of smile that reeks of something sinister, of evil thoughts. I’d love to wipe that look off his face, or better yet, grab Tey’s knife and cut it off.
“Logan, you’re late.” That’s the first thing out of Franco’s mouth as we get close enough to him by the stairs without getting too close.
“Really? Could have sworn you said nine at night.” Logan smirks, clearly enjoying pissing Franco off.
“It’s ten,” Franco hisses out, looking at Lo with disgust and displeasure before plastering on another smile as a man steps in line behind our group. “Get down there and don’t embarrass me. Tillie, I believe Jin reserved a time for you to show off those impressive dancing skills around eleven.” Franco’s smile is slimy as he drags his gaze up and down my body with lust evident as clear as day.
At least Logan doesn’t have Franco’s eyes, he must take after his mother. Small miracles.
“Can hardly wait,” I snap out behind my own tight smile, letting him see how much he disgusts me as my gaze locks on his. I grab Logan’s hand just as he starts to take a threatening step towards Franco and direct him to the stairs, descending with him squeezing my fingers in a death grip. “So much for keeping your cool, huh?” I stand on my tippy-toes to whisper in his ear, gazing over his shoulder as I plaster myself to his side to make sure the rest of the guys are following.
It’s creepy walking downstairs to a lower level, it feels like a box you won’t ever be able to escape. It’s a small enclosed, square space that only has one entrance, meaning it only has one exit too. It’s a fucking pit to keep things in, and those things would be human beings that are set to be sold.