I’m not about to argue with her, she’s a force to be reckoned with. Dom helps by carrying dishes to the table with Dalton. Logan sits on the other side of Tillie and Tey like he can’t be too far from her, as if she’ll leave his sight and change her mind about him.
I don’t blame him. I have that worry too.
Everyone gathers around the table, pulling out chairs and passing around dishes. I sit on the other side of Tey, stretching my arm along the back of his chair as I lean back in mine, relaxed for once in my life.
Strange that it’s in Dom’s house, but I’m beginning to realize that he’s not the bad guy Jin has made him out to be. He’s not my enemy but an ally.
The only thing you can hear is the scraping of forks against the china plates Isabella pulled out. You can almost feel the tension in the air, like everyone is avoiding the elephant in the room. I pick at my eggs, my appetite gone because of the discussion coming. I lazily run my fingertip back and forth on the back of Tey’s neck, feeling him shiver before shifting Tillie on his lap so she can feel his cock straining in his pants.
“So, what’s the game plan?” Dalton laces his fingers behind his head, crossing his ankles as he leans back in his seat. “Since no one’s talking about it, I’ll go first. I don’t want Tillie going to the auction. We all know it’s a trap.”
He’s not wrong, but it could be a lot worse for us if we don’t show.
“If we don’t show up, we'll get taken out one by one when we’re alone. Jin isn’t going to try anything at the auction, like kill us off. Important people are going to be there, especially ones that are going to help Franco get into office,” I say casually while grinding my teeth, only to roll my eyes when Dom takes out the gun from his belt loop and starts to take it apart.
“I’m going to run some errands. Lovely to meet you all,” Dom’s grandma announces, excusing herself when we start talking business. “Be safe,” she warns, and then she’s gone, out the back French doors.
“Kill us off!” Evan shouts, his fork clinking against his plate as he drops it.
I think he’s in shock, but he better suck it up. At least he looks protective of my sister as he wraps his arm around her waist and edges his body on the chair like he’s going to bolt for the door with her.
“You good, kid? Who do you think the fuck we are? Did you think those rumors around school were a lie?” Logan scoffs, staring at Evan with a scowl.
“Well… no. I just didn’t expect to talk about killing over breakfast,” he mutters, letting out an exhale as Nicola whispers something in his ear.
“If you're with her then you're in. No backing out. What happens in murder club, stays in murder club.” Tey stares Evan down without blinking until you can hear an audible gulp in reply.
“Be nice. Evan, no one is making you do anything. We can save this talk for later,” Tillie encourages, narrowing her eyes at Logan, as if daring him to say something.
He scowls but stays quiet. He’ll live to see another day.
“I’m all for murdering the cocksuckers!” Nicola claps her hands cheerfully, practically bouncing in her seat.
“Don’t say cocksuckers or cock,” I grumble, hating that word coming out of my little sister’s mouth.
“Cock,” Nicola mocks and then just smiles innocently as I glare at her.
“Okay. Enough cock talk. I want all the documents you can get your hands on of your father’s business. Both of them,” Dom says, tapping his finger on the table as he stares at me and then at Logan.
“Franco does all his business on his work computer at the precinct. I’ll have to get it from there.” Logan scrubs a hand down his face and turns to face me. “I’m going to need your help.”
“Of course. I’ve already looked at Jin's computer at home, but I think he’s a bit old school. My best guess is all the paperwork for every dirty business he’s done is at the warehouse. I can look tomorrow night while you guys distract,” I muse to myself, lost in thought, thinking about all the rooms with locked doors in the warehouse.
“I’ll have your back. You so need me.” Tey leans around Tillie and lays a smacking, loud kiss on my cheek.
I wipe my hand over the wet spot on my cheek and stare into his eyes as I stick my fingers into my mouth, sucking off the small taste of him. His eyes turn a darker blue as he watches me pull my fingers from my mouth. His desire-filled gaze drops to my glistening digits with barely there controlled hunger. I glance at Tillie in his lap and notice her eyes on my lips with the same expression as Tey’s.
I’m two seconds away from saying fuck it and grabbing the two of them to tie up so I can have fun with their bodies, edge them over and over until one of them breaks. I won’t stop until I see tears and hear begging spilling from their lips.
“Goddamn. Will you three stop it? This sexual tension is turning me the fuck on.” Dalton’s voice comes out gravelly, and when I look over at him, he’s on the edge of his seat, biting his fist.
Dirty fucker loves a good show, and maybe I’ll let him in on some playtime, but not the first time with Tey and Tillie. No, the first they’re all mine.
“Right?! Someone’s getting lucky tonight.” My annoying little sister makes a gesture with her fingers, mimicking sex, and I’m seconds away from reaching across the table and strangling her.
“Focus,” Logan snaps and turns his attention to Dom. “What do you hope to do with the information we find?”